The destroyer is deaf?!?

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Error's pov

Do you want to know what's sad. Being deaf and the only thing you can hear are insults from voices in your head. On top of that I'm forced to hurt people. I never asked for this. All I want is to go back to be with my family and friends but, that will never happen as ink will never stop creating. As long as he creates, I have to destroy.

The one place I don't mind the silence is outertale. All those stars and planets are so relaxing to look at. I'm usually left alone in my antivoide so being able to see people is nice. There is the odd occasion that my brothers or nightmare will come by but, those are the only people that know I'm deaf and know how to communicate with me. Blue knows that I don't have great hearing but doesn't know I'm deaf. I made sure that he didn't know so that he wouldn't tell ink.

Speaking of ink, I know that he uses the same attack pattern so battles with him have started to become easier. That is unless he brings dream along. He always attacks from behind and he doesn't use blasters so I can't feel the vibrations of his attacks.

Life is hard being deaf but I still have my brothers and I don't have to hear the screaming of those I destroy for fate.

Ink's POV

We are planning an ambush in error's home, the antivoid. For a couple of weeks we have been practising how to keep our movements silent. Why are we attacking the destroyer? Well he's emotionless and destroys for no reason so, we have to get rid of him. And, that's final. Get ready error, the final battle has begun.

I open a portal into the antivoid. For some reason he never noticed when we opened portals only when I first attack. Which is weird, portals are very loud.

As we make our way through the antivoid, we can see him starring at a portal to outertale. He's smiling*gasp* maybe he's going to destroy it. I won't let that happen. Today he's gonna pay.

I fling paint at him knowing he won't pay attention until I do.

"Error you time for destruction ends here..."

Error's POV (sorry for constant POV change, it won't make sense otherwise)

I could tell that ink was speaking but, he was speaking with his mouth closed like most sans's would do. My head was hurting from the attack but that's nothing compared to what I'm used to.

After a while he brought his hand down showing that that was the start of the attack and all hell broke loose. Bones fly, blasters fired and paint and arrows are thrown. I can't keep track of them all because I can only dodge what I can see.

After a while I can't take it any more and I think I end up screaming and trying to say stop. But I what I know from nightmare, it always comes out broken.

Ink's POV

A shrill scream came from error as tears start streaming down his face. "S-s-s-op sop" I don't even know what he's saying but I signal the judges to stop. As I do that another portal appears in the antivoid and out pops fresh. What is he doing here? Has he not seen us?

As soon as he saw error he ran towards him and tapped him on the shoulder. What error did next is what confused me. Error hugged him. I thought error hated fresh. After the hug was over, fresh started waving his hands in different directions and so did error.

"Ink, that's sign language" I look to dream "do you know how to read it?" I ask "no only a few words" we watch as the two skeletons have this silent conversation

Error's POV

To my surprise I was taped on the shoulder. I looked up to see who it was and it was my younger brother, fresh. I was so happy to see him that I lunged forward to hug him. We pulled apart and he started to ask me some questions

'Are you ok?'
'Yeah I'm ok'
'What happened?'
'Ask him. He probably thought that I'm emotionless because I don't react to anything'

Fresh turned round and paled at what he saw. Thousands of sans's here to attack me.

Ink said something again and my brother started laughing. Then fresh said something and then it was ink's turn to pale with shock. I turned to fresh to see what happened and he told me that he told them that I was deaf. I was furious but he is only trying to help me so I guess it's ok.

'Do you want me to get our big bro or nightmare?'
'Big brother please'
'Ok but nightmare is a better healer'

With that he left to get geno and all I could do was stare at the floor because I was not looking at ink. Please come back soon fresh.

Ink's POV
I can't believe it. Error's deaf. It makes so much sense. Why he never noticed me until I attacked him, why he never seemed phased by the screaming and why he never spoke to me. But that still doesn't explain why he destroys so I won't give him sympathy yet. "I could only make out one phrase and one word but, fresh said 'our big bro' and 'nightmare' so i think he's gone to get one of those people. Whoever big bro is" wait our big bro? Are fresh and error brothers? Who cares, we'll find out who fresh is bringing back and then it's question time.

Tem skip

After a little while fresh's portal opened again but this time out came geno. Guess we found out who big bro is; one thing for sure, reaper is not going to be happy. Geno ran over to error and began healing him while fresh spoke to error. We all just stood there as error was being healed. Some time passed and error began to get sleepy, healing magic does that, so after some time he fell asleep.

Geno stopped healing, stood up and started yelling. I know that he can't harm me but for some reason he was more scary than error.

"What the hell were you thinking attacking my brother like that?"

So they are brothers, interesting. That explains why neither of them came to the council meetings.

"He's still only a teenager and he's forced into this horrible job so, get it into your thick skulls that he is not to blame"

"Forced?" That's the only word I could muster up the courage to say

"Yes the multiverse has a limited amount of space, when that's filled it must be destroyed to make space for more"

Oh. All this time I've been fighting an enemy who didn't want to even be there. Wow I feel horrible. I've made up my mind from now on, "I will never create again" and I meant it. If creating means hurting an innocent monster then I will never even think about creating ever again.

No ones POV
And it was so, ink never created anything ever again and error was able to relax and enjoy time with his brothers. Finally, he was free of fates chains and nn one would put a dampen on his freedom. Accept maybe his mum but that's a story for another time.

The end

Thank you for reading this it was all just an idea I had after reading a voltron story so I hope you liked it and if you want more then leave a comment on what type of story you would like. Bye

Tatsu out

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