Chapter 41

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I didn't know how or when but before i knew it three weeks had already passed. And i was feeling more alright than ever.

Jamie decided to give me a break from all the projects to let me rest. I didn't want to stay all day and night at Hero's condo but when it comes to what Jamie wants.

I had no choice. And i decided that i really do needed a rest because of my sensitive condition. For some reason i don't really feel pregnant.

There were no symptoms and i just feel ordinary. I figured maybe because it was too early but for some reason there is this dark doubt on my mind that worries me.

So i decided to not tell Hero yet unless i was sure that i am really having the baby.

Being with hero after all those dark incidents really gave me the chance to breathe in fresh air.

It was the best decision to stay with him. Despite being alone while he was at work. It gave me some time to think and care about myself.

Regarding to work. I was actually planning to return today. Three weeks is more than enough to have my strength back.

I was not on my medications because i had this fear that it will trigger a miscarriage. It was big risk to take but i had no choice.

I already love this baby more than my own self. Its crazy how fast my nurturing instincts kicks in.

Hero on the other hand though, always checks if i take my medicine so i would lie about taking them.

So Hero just became my daily dose of happy pill. It made me smile on how much of a caring man he is these past few weeks.

He treated me like a porcelain doll that should be handled and touched with gentle hands.

It was already morning and Hero was still sleeping beside me when i woke up. The sun beaming through his blinds hitting his handsome face.

I smiled as i watch little snores coming out of his mouth. I leaned down and gave him a kiss on his head before i stood up so i can get ready.

I have a shoot for Storm today. It was just a casual shoot for some pictures for the websites and magazine. And it involved other co models. I was invited but Hero wasn't.

There was mass of projects and opportunities coming on that i am thankful for these past few days, And i was actually offered to do an explicit photoshoot. But Hero was very critical about it so i tend to turn them down.

So instead of waking him up. I just decided to go alone today. I was also planning on having my first pre natal checkup to check how the baby is doing.

And it made me break some sweats. Jamie will be the one to pick me up and accompany me.

After taking a warm bath to soothe my nerves. I went to the closet to change. Trying to be as much as careful so i wouldn't wake Hero up.

Hero's closet was way too big to stock his and mine's clothes. So we did not have that much problem with organizing or fitting all of them together

I decided to just wear an off shoulder powder blue dress and paired them with some plain sandals. For some reason i wanted to take some safety precautions. My bump is already starting to be evident and showing but not that obvious enough to make people turn their heads,

It suddenly made me think that i better get used to wearing dresses more often. I had a lot of pants and i am so used to wearing them. It would feel so weird.

I only settled for light makeup because i wanted to be early for the appointment.

I was relieved that Hero is not awake yet or else he would find his way again to drive me late. And then the appointment will be ruined.

 Herophine | AeipathyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora