Chapter 17

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"Josephine. Wake the fuck up! We are late!" I heard Jamie panicking. My consciousness returning an i opened my eyes.

I quickly went to see the window and my mouth hangs from the beautiful view of the white sand beach.

"Get up. I swear I'll kill Hero for driving us late! Its so embarrassing for Claude. He had to wait for you for 3 hours!" Jamie explained in distressed as i slowly leave the car with an headache.

I gasped and already felt embarrassed when i saw the camera and lights were already set for the shoot! And the props are all ready.

My cheeks heated when all the people turned their heads to witness my arrival. I feel like entering my classroom and being late for class!

"Finally! My sweetheart is here. How was your sleep Josephine?" Toni immediately catches my hand to guided me to an open tent where a chair and a mirror waits.

I heard Jamie talking to the rest of the crew and explaining why we took so long. I didn't even had the chance to look at everybody. Toni just immediately grabbed me.

There were so many workers and staffs and the beach is completely empty from visitors. They probably rented it privately just for today!

And I'm already messing it up. Im surprised some even still greeted me. I would be so annoyed if i were to seat in the sun for 2 hours waiting for someone.

They were really catching up with the time. There were no more than five minute and we are already starting.

Annoyed that i have to deal with Hero's crap. We literally waited for him and wasted an hour of the day! Only to not show himself up.

I frowned when a question popped into my mind. Why is he even late anyways? Maybe someone accompanied him on the shower and ended up having morning sex.

The thought just made me even more irritated that i didn't realize i was already frowning.

"Just relax your features honey. You look like you're ready to kill somebody! Toni laughed and i quickly obliged. Embarrassed for the hundredth time that day.

"Im sorry i was late. We had troubles waiting for someone." I said bitterly as he starts with the foundation.

"Oh. Its okay Love, We still have the sun for the rest of the day. An hour late is still early compared to our other models." Toni chuckled and that made me relieved.

If that does make me look any less bad. Then I'll take it. Couldn't help but thinking even when i woke up early or not. I am still late either way!

I quietly let him put my makeup on. Admiring the different colors that he is blending on my face. It looked different from the last time!

"Is this the summer edition of your makeup, Toni?" I laughed and he shrugs.

It was a beautiful mixture of three colors yellow, blue and beige. They were perfectly placed in my eyes that compliments the contour and blush to my cheeks.

"You already looked naturally beautiful Josephine. So this was just a mild one." He explained and i chuckled as i pucker my lips for the red lipstick.

"Still looked very majestic Toni." I replied couldn't help my amazement as i look at finished makeup in the mirror.

The colors complimented my face so well! Im surprised i can even full heavy and toxic looking makeup off! I look like a woman of water and sea.

"Well thank you. But makeups wont be effective without the pretty face itself. Speaking of being cute. Have you seen Claude yet?" I heard toni whispered to me in a very eager tone.

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