Chapter 39

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"J-josephine?! Fuck!" I heard a voice shouting from my almost unconcisous self.

My eyes were about to close when i felt somebody scooped me into their arms. The scissors in my hand falling on the ground.

As the sound of the gushing water came back to my mind. And it brought me back to my almost deep sleep.

"No! P-please!" I screamed and tried to get out of the person's hard built.

It was all red and black. It was all i see. Who is this person? Why is he holding me into his arms? Suddenly the memory from a long ago came back. It all came back and the fear has haunted me again.

All the screams and pleas i screamed but he didn't stop. He was merciless. And i was weak.

My head was all so cloudy and i can still the feel the pulsing pain on my wrist and i hissed when i felt someone placing pressure on it. My body hitting the soft familiar material of the bed.

"Please let me go!" I shouted. I can still hear my sobs in every word. My lips were shaking.

"Baby. Its me." The voice says once again that bought me back to my own self. And the light came back.

It was Hero. My eyes went to the green orbs staring at me. My lips parted. The fear on my chest faltered but it never went away.

His sleeves rolled up to his arms were soaked and wet with mixed water and blood. His eyes were intense and scared. He was scared. Why is he scared?

"Why would you do that? Huh?" His voice crack as he yells and i just stared into his eyes. I can see tears on them and he closed them tightly.

"Fuck!" He suddenly cursed and stood up. My whole system still not over with the attack. I was still shaking and the nerves not calming down.

As my eyes stared at the man i love in front of me. My biggest fear was not killing myself. But losing him. But ever since he always comes back into my life.

This happens. It was like all the memories. And all the monsters are turning into him.

And i don't want that. Hero doesn't deserve that. Any of this. He doesn't deserve me. What he deserves is happiness. And all i do is hurt him.

I watched him as he paced around the room. His hand running through his hair frustratingly. He looked like he just got home from his meeting.

He was still in his formal attire. And then his eyes went back to mine again. He stared at me with blood shot eyes.

"I-i-i.." I tried to speak but ended up stuttering. I sucked in deep breathe when my eyes landed on my wrist.

My eyes widened when it was already fixed and tended. It was covered by a white cloth and i can smell the seeping rubbing alcohol from it. Mixing with the scent of my rusty blood.

I lifted my head to look at him again. And he was still standing there looking at me. His lips parted as he pants.

I couldn't help the tears on my eyes and a sob came out of my lips. When i realized what i just did. I nearly killed myself. And if Hero didn't found me earlier. I could've had...

"Im sorry." I sobbed and my voice cracked as i cried. I settled at his hard stare. He looked angry and furious but at the same time scared.

"Im so sorry, I didn't know what c-came in-into me." I whispered and he still did not move. He was just watching with me as i cried.

"You were ready to leave me." He rasps and i watched as tears struggles to escape from his eyes.

I was too caught up by the thought of hurting myself that i almost devoted my life to death. And i was not thinking of Hero. Or how it would affect him. At that same moment.

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