Chapter 15

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He stood outside her classroom, jittering as he was not able to work up his nerves. It should've been simple and quick and he could race out of here.

How she made him so troubled was amazing, really. He was still at a loss for words. Two weeks later and he still had her towel that he didn't know how to give back. This could've been a perfect timing to do so.

She was talking to a couple classmates and her smile was infectious.

He couldn't just walk in to her class but he couldn't exactly call out her name. People could be staring and he didn't want to grab the attention of others.

He had a class to attend to soon, but since he happened to saw her through passing, he thought that perhaps this was it. 

He had to give back today, but it was just not the right timing? 

This was complicated for he was every time stuck on something like this. He was not used to doing something like this.

He peeked closer in hopes that he would change in his mind and just confront her like he needed to. 

"Hey, are you going to go in or what?"

Joshua turned his head around to find a girl, strangely familiar, by him. Her eyes examined him quizzically but by the looks of it she didn't remember.

She was one of the girls that was Coral's friend, who didn't like him.

"Wait, you're not in our class. What are you doing here?" she questioned.

He was startled standing here. She looked intimidating while she glared at him. The girl was the same height as him so they matched evenly at an eye level.

Her glare was so menacing that it was passing on the effect to him. She had her hands on her hips and was stern, she demanded an answer.

"I-I would like to talk to her," he said. 

"And who's her?"

He briefly mentioned her name and that was enough for her eyebrow to raise suspiciously. He hoped that he didn't just make a mistake with her.

She placed a hand on the door frame and spoke up from where she stood. "Coral, this guy wants to talk to you."

A few heads turned including Coral's and the eyes were on him. Murmurs went around, wondering about who he was.

The girl looked at him one last time and then stepped inside the classroom. 

Coral stood up and made her way outside to see him, looking up at him with those familiar eyes of hers.

"Hi," he said softly.

She said hi back and asked him what was the reason for coming. Joshua took out something from his backpack until a soft towel appeared on his hand.

"Here." He gave it to her. 

She looked at it and her mouth hung open as if she remembered she lent it to him. "Thank you."

"I washed it."

She nodded and smiled. "I appreciate it."

He gave it and he thought now what? He stood there without planning what else he could say in front of her.

He just wanted to give that back to her sincerely. 

"I'll go now," he said, deciding. Quickly, he turned around.

He began to walk away, thinking that could be the end of it and just leave it at that. How easy it was to not give a second thought or to hold onto something that may not be his. There wouldn't be a way that she would talk to him. No way that she would like to get to know him. And absolutely no way it could work it even if there was anything.

All of this occurred as he went further and then came a halt. Something in the back of his mind remembered Isabel's story.

Was this what she meant by finding excuses because she didn't know what to say? He was doing exactly like she did. 

All those time as well when Scooter told him to just try it and what more could hurt him.

It was frustrating to no end. He tilted his head, debating. 

At that last moment, he turned around and went back. Luckily, she was still there at the spot. He caught her again.

"Are you doing anything later?" he asked.

She widened her eyes and had a tentatively look. She didn't believe what she was hearing, but quickly came back to him.

"Actually, I was going to check up on the garden. It's growing progressively," she said and looked at him. She asked him if he wanted to see how it looked.

This was unusual for him, but he said yes.


Hi, this is long overdue but if you really still like Shy Boy, I better see tons of votes and comments for all I see only is just adding to reading list and I appreciate that and all, but I don't understand why this story is gaining viewers for? Why is it so impressive? I like my own story, but why do you all???? LIKE PLEASE SPREAD THE LOVE BY LEAVING VOTES AND COMMENTS. Something more than please update. I get that too often, one or two comment is enough. The rest should be about the story and anything you like about it. Anyhow, Happy June. Please stay safe and stay at home? Quarantine must be tough, but just do it so that eventually we'll get our lives back together.

And if you like this story, please go check out my first story made that I'm writing again after eternity When Fates Intertwined. It means so much to me. It's not a short story, but I promise it's kind of entertaining and a fun read so give that a check out for me. 

I don't know when I'll upload the next one, but just stay tuned. I also have been reading books ever since vacation started and that's like ughhh, I love it so much. I'm sick and tired of just doing university all the time. I will throw my hands up for going through it, but just a little longer and I'm fine. So yeah.

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