Chapter 9

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Joshua grabbed an apple juice box from the selections and moved along in the cafeteria line. He did it again and acted everything was all right.

She was out-of-bounds for him, and he should not get any wrong idea since they hardly talk to each other anyway. Distancing himself from her was good. 

"Rachel or Monica?" Scooter asked.

"Monica," Joshua answered off the bat.

Scooter turned his head to him, his face disagreeing. "Seriously?"

"Serious," was his reply before Scooter added in, "No way. Rachel is the real MVP."

"I don't exactly like her." Joshua shrugged.

Scooter only gave him a blank, long stare before he went, "We're rewatching tonight."

Joshua gave him the fine by me look. 

"Aww, no," Scooter grunted. He looked at the empty trays which were supposed to fill with egg salad sandwiches. 

It was his favorite that he would even choose over pizza. 

By the look of Idina's, a lunch lady, she only gave him a sorry look. 

Scooter had been waiting all week for this Thursday because that's when they served it.

After a shrug of disappointment, Scooter reluctantly finished up filling his tray and so did Joshua.

As they were about to head over to find a seat in the cafeteria, Scooter widened his eyes. "Hey, there's Cory." He turned to glance at Joshua. "Do you mind if I catch up with him for a bit?"

He shook his head, allowing Scooter as he left his side. Joshua thought he should be the first to sit down and save a seat for him.

He turned his head when abruptly, Coral was right there.

"O-oh..." She made a nervous smile. 

If his eyes weren't surprised, his mind was. 

"I almost didn't see you there," she said. 

Her friend who was next to her tried to nudge her; she didn't seem to like him. "Ugh, let's go."

"Could I have a minute?" Coral asked.

She rolled her eyes but was compliant. "Fine, take your time." Her friend rolled off and left Coral with a stunned Joshua. 

"You're..." She seemed to forget his name but tried really hard to think back.

"I-It's not important," he said quietly.

Coral perched a soft smile sweetly. "I'm sorry, it's just..." She was the one in embarrassment now, chuckling. 

"How've you been?" she asked him. 

"Great..." Joshua managed to look at her, but still awfully anxious. 

She nodded. "That's good."

Joshua held his lunch tray firmly. If he didn't have to worry about that, he could feel his hands dropped. 

Something in his head highlighted: COME ON

But that was a mere thought versus what's happening at the front. Even if he could, what could he do to not make it seem like she was far away?

"Anyway, I should get back to them. Have a good lunch," she said, about to turn away.

Joshua spontaneously blurted out, "I like your lipstick color."

It was a shade of a light pink. She wore on lip gloss which made it glimmer and shone. She looked back at him.

Coral held her lunch tray with one hand to support with the other bringing her fingertips near her lips. It was like someone noticed it.

"Thank you," she said, smiling, and then turned away. 

He was struck. He had actually said that. He couldn't contain what it was at that moment. It was just a thought that she really looked good in that color.

Pink was her color. 

He never really was the one to compliment others or compliment a girl for that matter. 

Joshua sat down on a table, for Scooter to slide a seat next to him. 

"I got his USB." He spun the chain in a form of keychain in his hand.

Joshua looked down at his food and picked up a fork, chewing quickly and nodded. 

"You okay?" he asked.

"I think," Joshua said.

He would spend the rest of the day, thinking back at that one moment. Was that okay?


Another long update. Sorry. I had writer's block on how to get to that one scene I wanted to write out, and that was the compliment of her lipstick shade. Cute, right? :) I thought it's nice and unique. 

I'll try my best to get the next chapter out as soon as I can. Please vote and/or comment if you like this chapter! 

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