Chapter Fourteen

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Can had been waiting on feelings like this all his life. His heart had excepted her with out fail, his soul sang her name, this was how  his life was suppose to be. All those years before that he thought nothing could get better, how wrong he was. She was the better, the better half of him that made him whole. He closed his eyes, breathing in her scent, as she lay her head on his chest. She felt like someone he had known all his life. So comfortable, It was something he would never forget as long as he lived. She melted into him, with pleasure and excitement to be so close. She felt loved, for once, not just because it was expected but because that was their plan in life..  

Just as quickly as she felt the joy of love, the pain of her what lie ahead for her nudged into her thoughts. What was she doing.... how would she explain this to her parents, but most of all, Adin. This just couldn't be, this was wrong.... She broke from Can and stuttered around trying to find the words, " Canbey, I'm so sorry, i shouldn't have let that happen, forgive me." She turned to leave. Can stood shocked at her words called after her, " Sanem, you can't run away, there's not a place far enough away to separate our hearts. " you know that...  She ran up the stairs nearly knocking Ms. Deren down, grabbed her things and bolted out the door.  She walked forever, with his words echoing in her head. Her panicked mind was racing with scenarios of her way out of this torturous triangle she found herself in.  She would quit..just not go back to her job. But that would alert Adin and her parents that something was wrong. She could just see Adin bursting in Canbeys office demanding to know what had happened between them. And if she told him the truth, she saw the same nightmare unfold. Either way someone would get hurt because of her. 

Can stood in the middle of the room, hoping she would return, but the only person that came was Deren. She stomped in shouting about how Sanem caused her a near fall, and then how she just ran out. " Who does she think she is," she just comes and goes at will."  She screamed.                 " Really Can, these new employees need to be disciplined."  He rubbed his face with both hands to try and clear his head. " Ok Deren, what did you need, I sure it's quite important to bring you down here."  He spewed. There seemed to be a problem with the brochures for the SportsLine company. The text looked off and she needed his approval on it.  She was aware that she had disturbed something between the two of them, but she wasn't sure what. Maybe Sanem was gone for good, that would be a blessing, then she wouldn't have to fire her...Can was her priority,  she was willing to see that know one took advantage of him. She hoped that one day he would see her as a serious contender for his heart. He wanted to follow Sanem, stop her from running and denying her feelings, but he had to trust that she would listen to her heart and see they were destined to be as one. 

Sanem found herself sitting at the coast, watching the boats moving in and out of the pier. If she could get on one of those boats and travel out into the ocean, away from all her fears and doubts, she would. But she knew her heart would still be beating and longing for his touch. The ringing of her phone cleared her head, it was her sister, " Sanem, where did you go, Canbey is asking me where you could have gone. What happened, he looks stressed."  She stated. Sanem closed her eyes, she hated to upset him, but she just stay there any longer. She told her sister that she hadn't felt well after their lunch and needed to get some air. " Abla, tell Canbey I'm fine and I will see him tomorrow,"  The answer seemed to convince her sister, but she knew it wouldn't Canbey.  She slowly walked towards her house, dreading the confrontation with her mother about her early arrival home. Her parents had always monitored her life closely, even at 23 years old, her actions were questioned at every turn. Was this the way her future will be with Adin, she hadn't realized it before , but the last few days had been eye opening. His demand on her about her job, his treatment of her, not as an equal, but as a possession. She wouldn't allow him to make all the decisions for her. When will she be able to live for herself....

Can sat in his office with the door closed. At least the message he received from Leila was encouraging, " she would see him tomorrow," but he wanted to see her now. He already missed the feeling he felt from her, that feeling of being home, safe and fulfilled. She did all of that for him, and then some. What would he say to her when he saw her. Is he going to blurt out all of the  pent up emotions he has for her, or just try to savior the moments they have together. He hoped she was talking to her fiancé right now, explaining how she felt about him and their engagement had been a mistake. It would be hard, he knew, and telling her parents would be even harder. But she had to give them a chance. Their happiness together meant everything to him. 

She was in luck, her mother was watching the store while her dad was on an errand. She could go in and prepare herself for the hundreds of questions coming her way. She would continue the excuse of not feeling well from her food at lunch. What a week, she thought, all the revelations of her life. How did she know her heart would find its match, the one that made her whole. His words spun around in her head, " there's no place far enough to separate their hearts." Was he right. She needed to talk to Adin, if to say no more than, she wasn't ready yet to get married. That would have to do for now, the rest she would face later. Now her parents could cause a scene, they wanted this more than she ever did, that was evident.  She would have to be strong, but when they found out the real reason, the shame could prove to be more than she could bear.

But this was her life....her dreams....her heart

This was her love for him......

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