Chapter Three

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Aziz was up early, with the event the night before he was sure his office would be buzzing with calls. Everyone would be wanting to wish the company a wealthy start for the new year. There was a couple of possible new clients in the works, he was ready to begin the development stage for their new campaigns. His creative team was top notch, under the direction of Ms.Deren, they could tackle anything. Can came in the door as Aziz was making his coffee, " Good morning dad, are you well today?" He asked. Aziz was surprised to see his son up and around do early, he answered, " I'm well son, thank you, how did you sleep?" Can told him he had slept outside and it was great. Aziz knew Can always preferred to sleep outdoors, If seemed to keep him calm. Can made his tea and sat with his father. " Dad, I might have a solution for you, if you would like to hear." Aziz nodded for him to continue, " I know you need a vacation, and you have been putting it off for some time now." I think you need to go and rest, take care of yourself for once." I'll stay here and take care of the agency until you return."  It's the least I can do. What do you say?"  Aziz was beyond belief, this was a generous offer, and he knew it wasn't made lightly. Can had always been attentive to his own business, so an offer like this, he knew, came from his heart...

Sanem had a sluggishness about her that morning. She tossed and turned all night, she felt like she had ran a marathon.. Her second day at he agency beckoned her, but she hoped it didn't have same intensity as the day before. She longed for a nice quite day, but first she would meet Adin. He would be anxious to hear about her first day at work. They always meet at the small cafe across the street from their grocery store. They drank tea, and talked over their plans for the day. He was there waiting for her, he stood, as he saw her coming. Reached out his hand to her, to help her sit down. He leaned down to kiss her on the cheek, as he always did. It shocked her, not at his gesture, but at the lack of excitement that it brought to her. His touch to her hand had felt cold, or was it just her, and his lips on her cheek didn't stir any kind of inner feeling. Not like she felt the night before. She tried not to compare the scenarios, but the difference in the way she felt them was tremendous. He smiled at her, but her heart didn't melt, the sound of his voice didn't make her soul sing. Was what they had, the real thing, a real love, that love that made you shudder just to think of him. " What a time to be asking these questions," she thought, " But if not now....when...

Aziz could hardly believe his ears, Can was offering to run the company and send him on vacation. The thought was so appealing, he would get on his yacht, and sail where the wind took him. He didn't know if he could accept it or not. But Can seemed sincere about it, so what did he have to lose. His father smiled and thanked him for the offer, but he couldn't let him give up on his own work for him. Can stood, put his hands on his dads shoulders and said, " Father, I want to do this, it's time I repay you for all the times you gave up for me." I can do this now and you're going to let me, got it"  They both hugged and laughed. Aziz was more than thankful, Can had such a giving heart, it made him happy. They agreed, his dad would start making his plans. He had already put together a tentative route, all he had to do was confirm the times. Can asked his dad how long he thought he would be gone, he thought at least 3 months. Of course if  Can couldn't be gone from his work that long, he would re-evaluate his course. Can thought 3 months could give him the time to do what he needed to do there,  " Find that woman that had turned his heart upside down."  All was good, Can would send his employees to other assignments while he was gone. Emre walked in as the two were celebrating, they relayed the news to the younger brother,  he was elated. That part of the company was a bit foreign to him and he was glad his big brother would be around for a while....

Sanem and Adin were discussing their upcoming wedding and finding a location would be the first thing on the list. " Of course, weather permitting, we could use the small park in the center of town." Adin suggested. " We could set up a tent for the reception, you know we have to have food " And music, lots of music and room to dance. He scooped up her hand and kissed it, " I'm excited to get this thing going, but more than that, excited to get it over with,"  He smiled and winked. She felt the heat of embarrassment creep up her neck to her face.  All of a sudden there was this doubt, a gnawing little tickle in the pit of her stomach, and all she could think was, " Is this the right thing, she had to be sure. " But how would she tell. "  She had nothing to judge this by, he was her first and only boyfriend, they had known each other since they she was 5 years old. Yes, he was handsome, and yes. he had a decent job to provide for her, but would he make her happy for the rest of her life, in fact did he make her happy now?. These questions in her mind must have radiated out through her eyes, Adin stopped, studies her face saying, " Sanem, do you have a problem, your eyes are sad." We don't have to have the wedding in the park it was just an idea." It can be just as you want, just tell me when and where, and I'll be there."  He joked...She smiled, and assured him her thoughts were nothing, and the park sounded perfect. He seemed to accept the answer and move on to the topic of their house, where would they live. He would start the search for their home to start the life in, it would be great, he said...

A nice big house, here in the neighborhood. Close to their parents, and his work, with lots of room for their children. But she had dreams of living in a exotic, far-away place. She would lounge on the beach, writing her novel and the man of her dreams would be lying beside her, basking in the warm sea breeze. She would gaze at him with her heart full of love. 

Was that man Adin? A few days ago she would have said, Yes, but now.........

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