Chapter Five

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She felt that heat, not just from the touch of him, but the heat down in her soul. His eyes searched her's as if he already knew her. Is this some kind of crazy coincidence, that feeling from the night before, and this feeling today. Was it deja vu, the same reaction to two different occasions. She quickly stood, apologizing for her clumsiness and hurried out the door. Can sat there, stunned and in disbelief, is it possible she was the woman from the night before. The smell was the same, it was just as intoxicating as before, that electric current that had ran through him last night, just happened again. had to be her.. She was breathtakingly beautiful, so unique and delicate. And I let her walk out the door.....don't jump to conclusions.  What if this is some freak accident of nature, and she was a fragment of my imagination.  

Sanem was completely confused as to what just happened. She was simply taking tea to the boss's son, and then she had this fantastic feeling literally overtake her. There's no explanation for it, it was the same burning heat that she had experienced before. Either he's the same man from the opera house, or she's losing her mind. It's more the probability that she's  losing her mind, than that rich, spoiled man being the one from the opera house. She escaped to the restroom, just in case her would come out looking for her. She could tell by his look, he had experienced  the same feeling, and was just as confused about it. She sighed, " This is just great, second day on the job and I've already made a fool out of am I going to look him in the eye again...Actually, she thought with a slight smile, he's not that hard to look at, he's abnormally gorgeous.  I hope Leila doesn't find out about this, she will kill me.......

Can, under much conviction, strolled out to the work area, glancing about at everyone's work. Trying to be as casual as possible, as not to bring attention to himself. He scanned the whole room, his eyes darting about, looking for her. Not seeing her, he sauntered back toward his office, giving CeyCey a high five on the way.  His thoughts had numbed his brain, where had she gone. Had he dreamed it ? No, because he was drinking the tea she brought, and his arm still tingled with electricity from their touch. He plopped down in his chair, layer his head back and closed his eyes, " Get it under control,.... she works here so you'll have to see her again."  And you will better prepared for the next time. Just ask for tea again, she'll have to bring it because that's her job....

She had composed herself and returned to the work floor. Ms. Deren was calling her name in a panic, " Where have you been," she ordered. Sanem shook her head, explaining she was in the restroom, and ask what she could do for her. She handed her a stack of files to take to the archive room to be filed. Sanem breathed a sigh of relief, at least she would be away from the offices for awhile, just in case he would want more tea.....She took her time with the filing, the longer she stayed there the least likely to encounter him again today. She didn't think she could take another heated eruption of emotion like that today.  The ringing of her phone, halted her daydreaming, seeing it was her mom, she answered quickly, " Mom how are you, what do you need? " she asked. " Sanem, make sure you come straight home after work, and tell Leila too." Adin is coming for dinner and the wedding plans have to get going." There's lots of stuff to do, so don't be late." She stated.. Sanem agreed and she would make sure they made it home on time. She looked at the time, just one more hour and this day would be behind her. 

Ms. Deren was shrieking about, in her usual rant, when Can came out of his office. He had never understood her tension for this job, she was an excellent creative director, had developed  and presented many successful campaigns in her time with the agency, but still she carried her excitement to the brink. He tried to calm her, but she was in an outrage over the new employee, that seemed to always be missing. CeyCey, told her, " Ms. Deren, you sent her to the archive with some files, don't you remember. Can knew she was talking about Sanem, and was relieved to know where she had been. Deren ordered CeyCey to go find her and bring her to her office. He knew she had Ill feelings towards Sanem, but didn't understand why. His thoughts were, she considered her the competition. Sanem being a young, beautiful and bright woman, brought doubt to Deren. CeyCey hurried off to get Sanem before Ms. Deren lost her mind..

Sanem was trying to explain to CeyCey as they made their way to Deren's office, that she was doing exactly what she was told to do. CeyCey understood, be there's was stopping her when she was in this kind of mood. Sanem rushed into her office with an explanation ready, Deren quickly hushed her, holding her hand up as a signal for silence. I'm not interested in you excuses, I just need you to take this presentation and makes copies for all the members of the creative team, Canbey, Emrebey and myself. Sanem nodded, asking how many members there were on the creative team. With a roll of her eyes Deren spewed, " And how long have been working here, You don't even know how many's on our team."  Sanem turned red with embarrassment, and dropped her head. Can was witnessing this all from the hall, thinking how unnecessary that it had been. CeyCey leaned over to Deren and whispered, " Ms Deren, this is only Sanem second day. So she really didn't know. Deren composted herself saying, " Excuse me, there are eleven team members, plus the three managers, making fourteen in total. Make sure these are done and ready before you leave tonight. 

With 20 minutes before time to go home, she knew it would be impossible to do it all within that time. Sanem ask if she could come in early in next morning to prepare files, that she had an important engagement after work and needed to leave on time. Ms. Deren smiled, tilted her head, saying " Pardon, I'm sorry that your work assignments are getting the way of your personal life, but that will not be possible." What could be so important, that you would only half way do your job." Ms.Deren, My fiancé is coming for dinner tonight, and our wedding details will be planned." So if I could leave on time tonight, I would greatly appreciate it."  She stated..

The words echoed on his head,....fiancé, wedding plans.....Wouldn't you know it.

She's engaged.......

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