Chapter Eight

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Can's night was filled with thoughts, how he could find a way to be around Sanem more. Maybe a special project that would require her help. It would need to be something that wasn't to obvious, he didn't want everybody in the office to be suspicious. Their was some work that needed to be done in the archive room, he had wanted to turn it into a training room for new hires. It would be perfect for computer training and teaching how to develop a campaign. It was quiet and out of the way from the hustle and bustle of the main floor. They had talked about for quite some time, but his dad had never taken the time to implement it. All it would take is rearranging the files and moving the desks. Bringing in some long tables and some chairs. A good days work, maybe two, what better way to get to know somebody then working in a secluded room together for a couple of days.....He couldn't wait to get to work and get the job going.

Sanem dropped her things off at her closet and made her way to the drink station. CeyCey had already made the coffee, but the tea was always left to her. If there was one thing she could do, it was make a great cup of tea, she thought proudly, even the boss liked it. As she poured her a cup of tea, the intense feeling of someone standing behind her made her shiver. Then she heard his voice, " Good morning Sanem, could you bring me a cup of tea to my office please, when you get a chance." She turned to see Canbey, smiling, he nodded his head to her in a thank you as he swung around and walked towards his office. She stood, with her mouth open, and watched him stride to his office. Deren was close behind, chattering on about something or other, that he didn't seem at all interested in. Sanem blinked her eyes, " What a sight, " she thought, Womanizer or not, he is definitely a man you would want to look at. "  There she was again, thinking all these thoughts in her mind, when she already had a husband to be, just waiting for her. She grabbed his tea and started his way, the closer she got, the heavier she breathed, her nerves couldn't take much more. " Ok, she demanded,  In with the tea, put it on his desk, don't make eye contact and walk out. No more, no less."  Ms. Deren was still in with him, she tapped on the door as she walked in. Deren stopped, stared at her with fire, and said, " Sanem, you are to wait outside the door until Canbey gives you permission to enter, and you will not bring tea unless you are told. Do you understand." Can quickly stood, looked at Deren with anger saying, "She is doing exactly what I ask her to do, there's no need to be so rude."  He smiled at Sanem, taking the tea from her hands, how motioned for her to sit. Sanem was panicked, " Why does he want me to sit down, am I going to get fired, oh....I can't be. 

Can sat down as well, looking across the desk at her. " Sanem, we really haven't been formally introduced, she I would like to welcome you to the agency myself. " If I might, I need to ask a favor from you." He asked. I have just cleared it with Ms. Deren, so I was wondering if I could get your help on a special project."  She felt the heat rise up through her body, just to look at him made her skin tingle with goosebumps. She smiled at him, or she thought that's what she was doing, she felt like she had lost control . " Of  course Canbey, what would you like my help on"  her voice quivered. He proceeded to explain the idea for the archive room to be transformed into a training room for new creative employees. She was fidgeting and he could tell she was nervous, that made her even more desirable. But he needed to keep his mind focused for now. 

He told her he would like to start today, and it might take a couple of days. Would she be willing to help? The request couldn't have come at a better time, she could hide away on the bottom floor away from him, and all the feelings that rumbled around inside her.  Her answer came out instantly, " Absolutely, you can count on me," she chimed, and when would you like for me to get started." She asked. " Great." He stated, Let's get started right after the morning meeting. She left his office, happy for the chance to do something meaningful. Her mind was full of creativeness, but she knew Ms. Deren would block any kind of input from her, so working on this would be great. " I wonder who I'll be helping," She thought, " Maybe CeyCey or Gulize, Whoever it is it will be fun. I'm really ready for some fun." The morning meeting was always boring, it was more for the people working on the campaigns, it didn't have much to do with her.  As soon as it was over, she headed for the archive room, anxious to get started. She waited for someone to come with the details of what was to go on. The archive room was an intriguing place, all the old printers and copiers that were past their useable time. All the files and cabinets full of old campaigns ideas. It was like a museum of the agency's history. What would they do with all this old stuff, it would be a shame to throw it all away. 

As she rummaged through the tons of files, Canbey came in the door, " Good, you're here, shall we get started." He said. He gazed at her, taking in her beauty, this was a perfect plan, he thought, the smell of her perfume had mingled with the smell of the discarded files and folders. It was an intoxicating aroma.....she was an intoxicating woman. She sent the feeling of desire to his heart, an unknown casualty of the soul. This was a new world for him, and he would discover it with happiness. Sanem stared at Can saying, " So I'm helping you. Are you sure you need me to help."  This was stirring every feeling imaginable within her, her first instinct was to run, but her feet seemed to be glued to the floor.  Her eyes were fixed on him and she hoped the terror didn't show. How would she be able to work here with him all day, and be in her right mind. His eyes met hers, they burned like coal, so much it made her weak. 

His eyes soften....delivering an aura of calm. 

"Yes Sanem.....I wouldn't want anyone else".......He replied, his voice as smooth as silk..

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