Chapter Seven

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Sanem stuttered, " No, Adin, that won't be necessary, I'll take care of it." I just meant it might be a possibility, that I would have to work late." She fumbled with fork, looking around at her sister, that was glaring at her in wonder. Mevkibe stood , grabbed Sanem by the arm and lead her to the other room. " What has gotten into you girl, you don't want to upset Adin like that." He is to be your husband, show him the respect he deserves."  She spouted. Sanem sighed, " Mom, I know, I didn't mean it that way, just calm down. We'll go look at that house if that's what you want."  Mevkibe shook her head saying, " Daughter, I just will never understand you, why you make problems when there shouldn't be, and now the finding of the place for the wedding.  You can't wait much longer. Adin is anxious to start your lives together, are you not too."  Sanem patted her mother's hand, " Ok mommy, I'm sorry, I will select a wedding place quickly, don't worry." Her mouth had gone dry, and her thoughts of marriage had all of a sudden terrified her. What was going on, she had so many doubts all of a sudden, and the lack of that excitement down deep inside her when she looked a Adin was more than concerning to her. 

They returned to the dinner table, with Nihat and Adin both looking at her with questions, she smiled and assured them all was fine...she would pick the location promptly and the next step would be the house, then the dress. Mevkibe smiled proudly, she knew her daughter was making the right choice. Adin sighed with relief, " Good my dear, let's finalize these plans and move on.  We have a whole life of happiness to live." He said smiling. She looked at her sister with the look of defeat glooming in her eyes. Leila knew that look. Sanem always wanted to please everyone, it was just her nature, but this wasn't something to be passive about, this was her life. They would have to have a talk, she needed to find out what was going on.  The rest of the dinner passed without issue, and finally the evening was over. Adin and Sanem walked out to the front steps, he cradled her face in his hands. " My one and only, how hard it is to say goodbye, but soon our days and nights will be as one." He whispered, " This is our dream and we are about to start living it."  He kissed her lightly on her forehead, saying goodnight. She watched him walk down the street as she had so many times before, " Nothing....she had felt nothing. Why was she so aware of this now. Where was that explosion of desire, the excitement of her future and their lives together.  She was confused with what she felt, or in fact, what she didn't feel. What would she do, she prayed it would come., the fire that would burn her skin, as he touched her,  that feeling of breathlessness as he whispered to her, that dizziness from his smell. She had experienced that twice, that's what she wanted from Adin, that's what she needed from him. She had to trust her instincts, he was the right person for her and everything else would fall into place.

Can drove home with the thoughts of Sanem roaming in his head. Two days and two encounters, it had to mean something. He was grasping at anything to justify the feelings he felt. She effected him so strongly, it was unbelievable. Never had he experienced these feelings, so powerful and defined, and the need to know more about her filled his mind. Knowing he didn't have much time, with her pending marriage possibly right around the corner, he was eager for the next work day to start. Tea seemed to be the only thing they had In common now, but he would see that changed. All these plans flying made him dizzy, just recalling the last spark of contact he had with her made him sweat. Yes, she was special, every ounce of him said so, and he would be a fool not to act on it.....and Can Divit was no fool.......But she was engaged, so he would need to tread lightly but quickly, he knew the traditional turkish engagement didn't last long. 

Sanem's sleepless night of tossing and turning was evident. Leila even commented on her lack of enthusiasm at going to work. She was annoyed, who really likes going to work anyway, she thought as they made their way to the bus stop. " Only my sister is obsessed with her work, and only because she is infatuated with Emrebey, and why, I don't know. " she thought. He was definitely a womanizer and was proud of it. But she wouldn't hurt her feelings by saying that out loud. The thought of seeing Canbey brought anxiety to her, she would have to take his tea, she knew that, and the embarrassment from yesterday still lingered. Talk about a womanizer, he was one, maybe it ran in the family. As hard as she tried to find fault with him, the same scenarios flipped through her mind. That touch was real, and his look seemed real, but why did she let it affect her like that. No....she wasn't looking forward to work today, or any other day for that matter. She didn't know what she was looking forward to, her dreams of her heart were slipping away and she was afraid they would be lost forever.  She would drift along in life, letting someone else's dream become hers, and she would be swallowed up in a life that she wasn't meant to have. But it was too late for an epiphany of her life, promises were made and she was expected to abide. What kind of tragedy would she bestow on her family if she was to run away from this responsibility. They would all be devastated, most of all Adin, and that is something she would hate to do. 

So,....Sanem, suck it up, look on the bright side, he is a good man, he wants to built a life with you and he's a good looking. What more do you want.........

What more do I want?......Her thoughts were saying.....

Love..filled with a burning desire for happiness......That's what they were saying

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