Chapter Ten

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There was not a word spoken as they made their way to the front door. He had his arm wrapped around Sanem's arm, firmly, it seem he was afraid she might run away. She glanced at him, but he didn't return the look. His face was strained and tight, his eyes were squinted, and one had a slight twitch. This look was new, in all the years she had known his, he had never shown this side of himself. What had he seen, did he see their eyes and the feelings that exploded from them. Would she have to explain the touching of their hands, if she did, she would have to lie. She was even too embarrassed to admit to herself what their touch had been. They reached his car, still in silence, he opened the door for her, refusing to look her in the eyes. Her concern was growing, he had never been violent, but she had never given any reason to be. She didn't like what was happening, she hadn't done anything wrong. 

Adin got in on his side, placed both hands on the wheel  and with a firm voice, asked, " Sanem I will ask you one time and one time only, What was going on with that man.  Answer me true with no hesitation."  Sanem swallowed hard, looked at him and said, " That man is my boss and he asked me to help him with a special project, we lost track of time and missed lunch so he ordered pizza. That's it, that's all it was."  She was glad he hadn't looked her in the face, or he might have realized she was lying. He started the car, he nodded his head as to except her explanation, and they drove away. Sanem turned and watched out the window, " What had she done, lying so easily, it made her uncomfortable. 

Can cleaned up from the pizza, folded the blanket and returned it to the cabinet. He smiled as the day floated along in his mind. She was so special, everything about her made him happy. This plan would work, he would make sure of it. That last look at him as she went out the door, it told the story, she wanted more. But....the look from her fiancé said something different, he saw the fear blaze up in his eyes. He thought of Can as a threat, it was obvious. This was not his usual form of, getting to know someone, but he was willing to do anything for her. Tomorrow is another day, we'll see how it goes, if they are looking at houses it means the wedding is soon. He would have to work fast, and he hoped there wouldn't be anymore interruptions from her fiancé. He always respected the sanctions of an engagement, but this was a desperate situation. It was fate, his heart was in charge and they hadn't yet made their vow before god. Would they have met that night in that dark room, would their bodies have touched and sparked that fire, would he have breathed that scent of overwhelming desire, if this wasn't meant to be. 

By the time they had arrived at the house, Adin had calmed down some. Still not talking to her,  they took their tour of the house. It was a beautiful home, large rooms and bright. With 3 bedrooms it was large enough to start their family. He was very interested in the home, but hadn't consulted Sanem about it yet. Her stomach was nervous, this was a big step and she wasn't sure if she was ready. She felt she was on a roller coaster of what her life would be. She had been so sure of her decisions, so sure Adin was the right man to be her husband. Her parents urged her to settle down with him and give up her silly dream of being a writer and traveling the world. Was it a silly dream? She didn't want to think so, if she didn't have her dreams then what did she have. A life of regret and doubt, of what could have been. Adin didn't even know about her dream to be a writer, what would he say if she told him. Her first thought was, he would be critical, as her parents were. He wanted his life to be as his parents and her parents had lived. She had known no other until a few days ago, a near fall in a dark room had changed her life. He was looking at her, she jumped and brought her mind back to reality. She smiled at him, but he was solemn, he asked her, " Sanem where were you, I asked you a question twice and you didn't hear me."  She hung her head, wishing to disappear from his demanding gaze. " I'm sorry Adin, what was it, your question."  She babbled. He sighed a deep sigh and asked,  " What do you think of the house, you haven't said a word about it.  I like it my self, "  he said. " I think we can make it work."  Sanem hesitated, " Well I'm not sure, I don't like the back garden, it's way to small."  Maybe we could look around a bit more." I really want it to be perfect." She smiled at him, forcing him to return the smile. He nodded his head and went to find the real estate broker. 

Can decided to stay at his cabin again, it was so peaceful and serene. His cares of the world seemed less when he was there, and he could hear his thoughts that rambled around in his head. It made him realize the time there was precious, just like the time today with her. It had always served him well, allowing him to slow down and just enjoy life. No one had ever been there but him, his secret place of peace.....But he was thinking it might be time to share this place with someone else, open it up and let them in. His life was always a closed book, even to his ex- girlfriend, Polen. His heart stayed sheltered from anyone else's opinion. They didn't matter, and they certainly had no say in his happiness.....But Sanem.....she had opened that door of possibilities, and hope.  

Adin took Sanem home, but before she could exit the car he asked, " Do I need to be worried about this boss of yours, the two of you seemed to be quite close when I walked in. I'm not sure if I want you to go back to that job or not."  Sanem quickly turned, " Adin, I told you, we were just eating pizza. I like this job, please don't ask me to quit."  The panic had already set in and she didn't know how to handle it. She had to keep working, she loved it and besides it was the only way for her to feel like she could still dream..... 

She had a lot of new feelings marching around in her heart, she wanted to explore them. She was running out of time, and the last few days had opened up a new dream within her. 

It wouldn't be to late, she thought.......only if she gave in....

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