21.2p Headcannons

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Here's a bunch of head cannons.

Thrustson has a collection of guns.

Markell has tried weed before,and didn't like it.

Egil is terrified of fire because Loki burns him.

Tais room is next to Zaos,and Kuro doesn't like this.He often gets Tai to sleep in his room instead.

Bernard knows how to sew.

Erland knows how to sew,because he watches Bernard do it.

Arnold HATES anyone how is abusive. It doesn't care if he knows them or not.

Egil mostly hangs out with the 1p Nordics,because he finds them "cooler"
Lukas loves him the most.

Raimonds had sensitive skin,so he can easily get bruises.Its also why his love bites and hickeys are so visible.

Luca is the youngest,and SMOLLEST one of the 2p Heta Children.

Arnold has a smol innocent baby face,so when he's trying to be serious...it doesn't exactly work out XD

Maria(2P Hungary)likes to braid Gillens long hair.

Roland does this one fucked up torture method on Hubert.
He ties his legs to a chair,and then makes him draw for HOURS.
When this is happening,Hubert can't eat,go to the bathroom,or even talk.He also can't stop drawing,and if he does,he gets slapped.When he can't take it anymore,he passes out of exhaustion.

Scarlet bullies Arnold,Luca,Erland and Hubert about there home life.

Egil LOVES chocolate.

Tai LOVES video games,and anime,and tries to turn Egil into a weeb too.

SOMETIMES...Arnold likes to snack Raimonds ass,for fun and for being his perverted self :)

Luca,Arnold,Erland,Hubert and Raimonds are the BIGGEST pervs together,literally.

Tai LOVES the song Immortals by Fall Out Boy.

Egil likes nightcore.

Markell HATES it when Loki is drunk.

Luca and Erland call Arnold "Big Brother Arnold" for fun,and they also see him as a big brother figure.

Arnold loves ice-cream...literally.

Raimonds has tried BDSM before,and tbh,he doesn't mind it.

Annnnnd,that's it! ^^

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