Chapter 10

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     I see how pale and tired she looked. She had a small trashcan in her small hands. I quickly go over to her.

"When did she start puking?" I ask getting her things and placing them in the truck.

Miku answers, "She started throwing up like thirty minutes ago."

"You know why?" I run my hand through my blond bangs.

"I think she ate too much and the food just didn't sit right with her stomach. Wait are you in just boxers?" Miku then questions as she looks down.

Rin was annoyed as she watched (insert name) puke again. "Yo, people! How about less questions and more of helping (insert name) get home."

Nodding I pick (insert name) up carefully. She groans as she is moved.

"Len my stomach hurts a lot ..." She murmurs.

"Hush!" I hiss before opening the backseat, and carefully placing her inside. "Just relax. I'm taking you home now."

She grips at my hand. It was so weak it shocked me. I get into the car and try not to speed.

As we parked I notice (insert name) being dead silent. Her face was completely drain of color and she was in cold sweat.

Her eyes darken and she struggles to make out her next words. "Bath-room."

Bathroom? What does she mean-? Oh crap! Diarrhea!

I take her into my arms and run into the apartment. I push on the elevator. I scowl in annoyance by how much it was dragging.

I feel (insert name) drip onto my shirt tighter. "Len, I can't hold it much longer!" She barely whispers with urgency.

"Fuck it!" I growl as I kick the stairwell door open and run up six flights of stairs. Record time too.

I get my keys out almost dropping them as I rush to open the door. I get (insert name) into the bathroom. Yanking the lid up and roughly pulling down her pants.

I freak a little when I see bright red blood dripping from her legs but exit so she can relieve herself.

I look through the medicine cabinet for something to help her. All I had was fever/pain reducers.

Tea and a heating pad.

I decide to make (insert name) some tea. It was all I had. Least the tea would calm her. Along with washing out the toxins in her body.

I knock softly at the door. "Hey shortie? You okay in there?"

"Oh I'm fine. The pizza they order really didn't agree with my stomach. But I'm feeling better." She gasps.

"Hey, I made some tea for you. It'll help you a lot so I'm gonna come in."

"Don't you dare look or even breathe Len!" She hisses with embarrassment.

"Just shut up and drink it brat."

"Meanie..." She mutters as she cups the tea into her hands.

"I'll be in the living room if you need me okay?"

"Okay...thank you Len."

"Oh and there's a heating pad on the counter for when you lay down. It'll help a lot."

(Insert name) stayed in the bathroom for a while. But soon enough she came out. She took a shower too. She smelled like Sakura blossoms.

Her scent so alluring. "How you feeling?"

Kagamine Len x Reader Project True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now