Nineteen: Tea (Part Two)

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During our walk back to the apartment, Phil still insisted on continuing our discussion of our lives. I had divulged more to this one man in a few hours than I have to anyone else in my life. Was I beginning to be accustomed to it? Somehow the words trickled from my mouth like a never ending tributary. The sky was still blue when we exited, and Phillip was eager to progress in our topic of knowledge for the other person. He questioned me about what home life was like for me. I steered clear of that, expressing that there wasn't anything of the 'home' to talk about.

I instead chose to talk about my current book. Phillip didn't object, so I continued. If I became annoying, he would tell me, right? The main character, the bare and untamed 'Kentuck' scenery, and the strength of Polly Ann. I blabbered on until the door was opened to enter the flat. Daniel was in the kitchen making some type of drink in a mug. 

"Got her to tell you her life story or something?" Daniel remarked. "I've never heard her talk so much." He wandered back over to the couch where I assumed he was before, as a show was being televised on the television and a laptop was on the couch being used, a social networking site on the screen. 

I expected Phillip to respond, but he didn't. I sought out where the shopping bags were put, and smuggled my feminine products and other miscellaneous items into Phil's room. Where to put them? I was out of options, so I decided to simply put them in my red traveling bag. Where to keep my time of the month meds and my medical supplies was next. Being intrusive, I entered the bathroom and peeked behind the mirror above the sink. The mirror came forwards with little resistance due to the magnets that held it closed. There were various other bottles of pills and tablets scattered about in a seemingly unorganized manner. Toothbrushes and pastes were on the most bottom shelf, while the other items were placed wherever there was space. Being bold, I took my own toothbrush and placed it among the grouping of others, in it's own traveling container, of course. Wouldn't want cooties. I thought to myself, grinning. 

That grin/smile held as I exited the restroom. Daniel was emerging from his own commode, white ceramic coffee cup with black writing. "Whoa." He said, stunned. He continued on to where he was heading; the living area where the other roommate was lounging. "Phil, I think you brought the wrong girl home." 

"Why do you say that?" Phillip turned his body to see what evidence could support Daniel's claim.

This odd... Encounter made me keep my grin, and by how my face felt, I imagine it was red. Instinct was to take course, and a shy head tilted downwards was the result. 

"Wow," was his response, "maybe I did choose the right tea." Whatever had gotten into him, some type of extra male testosterone to show off, or maybe a suave part of him was being brave, Phillip winked. The act surprised me. It was as startling as a man on the street catcalling me. Me, of all people. It was just a friend thing. It had to be. Friends play around, it keeps good humour alive. That's all that is. Yeah. 

That's what I agreed on. So still standing in the midst of the walkway, I returned to find my current hardcover, still in its original place at the foot of the single bed. Taking it with me I ventured to the living room, wanting to continue. Long ago I laid a rule down for whatever book I'm reading: a chapter a day. It's a good guideline to be able to finish books. We've all been half way through a book and stop reading for a little while. Soon enough, you lose interest and never finish it, unless you begin reading it from chapter one, again. 

 I chose the couch unencumbered by a human life form, and made myself as compact as possible; it was comfortable, for me, at least. It took a few moments to find where I left off consciously from the night before and began. I read a solid three to four pages before Phillip announced he was going to his dentist appointment. And with that, he left. 

I was in his home along with his roommate that I don't know as well as him. Granted, Daniel and me haven't had a long get-to-know-each-other discussion in a coffee shop. The man in question was on the other couch, laptop on his lap, feet outstretched. I was tempted to begin a conversation. But what about was the issue. Make small talk? Ask about what his life is like? Phillip was so good at it... Maybe because he was genuinely interested in me, for an odd reason. What were the thoughts of Daniel about me? Was I a hoodlum rat to him? How much did Phillip tell Daniel about me? Yes, maybe that's a good question to ask. 

I cleared my throat awkwardly, not really sure how to begin. I bookmarked my page and closed the book. "So... How much did Phillip tell you before I made my arrival?"

"Hmm..." Daniel pondered aloud. "Well, he did say how you were supposed to go with his parents, but since they're on the cruise, Phil agreed to adopt you, so to speak. It was like him to be nice like that. Er—this. When he said that a seventeen year old was going to temporarily stay with us, I pictured a boy." And quickly added, as though he knew how girl tempers could be, along with a gentle friendly smile. "But you're cool, too." He went on to recite how Phillip worried about I would acclimate to the new surroundings. From Daniel's information, he was anxious about me even being here. 

Soon, we began talking about various topics. Anything under the sun from world occurrences, U.K. culture, to the latest and 'greatest' Apple product. He made tea and we both just had a time of discussion, as I did with Phillip. It was easier the second time, divulging personal information and such. Perhaps because I was more relaxed, or even because the first time was practically the first time. First times are always awkward, right? Like first hand holding, first kiss, first whatever. The list could go on and on.

Eventually, Phillip came home, bringing the gift of Chinese takeout. The boys decided on showing me the series pilot of 'Doctor Who.' It was interesting, and quite creepy as I watched the mannequins come to life during the same time I ate Chow Mein with chopsticks. The boys weren't masters of the chopsticks, and decided to give up on using them after a long and hilarious attempt of them transporting food from the box to their mouths. Most the the food made it to their laps, instead of the desired destination. It was a a good day as night fell, clearly seen by the large windows beside me. The lights of London began their day of illuminating rooms and buildings. 

Once the pilot was over, I called the shower. From Phillip's bedroom to the shower I went. I was proud of myself when I took off my shirt and upper undergarment, all by myself. I washed in the shower, and used the raspberry body wash. It was beginning to grow on me. I wondered if either of them noticed I used it?

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