Stop that - Connie x Reader

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So I know I said I probably wouldn't update again tonight... but I'm sick and I can't sleep so here you go.


"Connie," she groaned. "Stop that. I don't feel well and you're making it worse."

Her bald boyfriend only grinned and continued lightly tugging on the ends of her hair. "No, I'm making it better by gracing you with my wonderful presence."

She groaned again and wormed her way out of the sheets and away from him. She sneezed a few times as she swung her legs out of bed and hobbled towards the attached bathroom.

"Ugh, it's so cold now," Connie complained from behind her. 

"Cry me a river, Springer," (F/N) grumbled as she rummaged through the various medications available to her use. When she found what she needed was empty, her brow furrowed together and she frowned. "Hey, where's that regular cold medicine that used to be in here?"

Connie appeared in the doorway, his uniform disheveled. "I think Armin used the last bit of it. Something must be going around, huh?"

"Yeah no shit," (F/N) snapped irritably. Sometimes he really wasn't that smart. It didn't take a genius to figure out there was some kind of flu circulating after half the trainees got sick and training had to be cancelled for the week.

"You think Shadis might be able to find some more?" Connie asked as he watched his girlfriend shove her feet into her boots and lazily tuck her shirt in. "You know he's going to skin you alive for not putting your uniform on properly."

"I honestly do not care," she sighed, shrugging on her jacket. "Come on, we're going into town."


Six corner shops and three medical centers later, (F/N) couldn't find cold medication. She was beginning to feel frustrated and crappier as the day went on Connie noticed, resulting in him agreeing with everything she said and keeping his distance when she lashed out.

"Now sweetheart, maybe we can check the other side of town?" Connie suggested as gently as possible. She glared at him as she jerked a door open and stomped inside of the shop. 

The clerk smiled uneasily at her as she stormed over to the counter. His eyes fell upon the trainee emblem on her jacket. 

"Training for the military, eh? Which regiment are you wanting to join?" He asked when she was close enough. 

His attempt at conversation made (F/N) falter. None of the other clerks bothered her unless she asked them a question. 

"I uh, don't know yet," she replied, cheeks flushing. Connie entered the store behind her and absently grabbed her hand with a squeeze.

"Hmph. In my opinion, you should join the Garrison. Those within them now are so damn stupid," the clerk complained. 

(F/N) blinked and slowly pointed at the medicine on the wall behind the man. "Right. Um. I was just wondering if you would happen to have any cold medicine?"

The clerk let out another humming noise before turning and searching through the shelves behind him. The floorboards below his feet creaked as he shifted, making an eerie noise echo throughout the empty shop. 

"Aha! This seems to be the last bottle! Although this is the stronger brand, so be careful when taking them," the clerk warned as he slid the bottle of cold medicine across the counter. (F/N)'s entire face lit up as she caught it and examined the label. 

"Wow, alright. This is perfect. Thank you so much," she gushed. She dug through her pockets for money, slapping down a good three dollars before walking out with Connie on her heels.

"Join the Garrison, young lady! You too, baldy!" The clerk called after them. Connie rolled his eyes as the two of them stepped out into the street. 

"I am not bald. I have a shaved head. There's a difference," he said, his voice laced with irritation. (F/N) frowned and patted his hand. 

"You're bald, Con," she corrected. She pulled the bottle out of her pocket and reread the label several times before unscrewing the cap and shaking out two pills.

"Hey, whoa. Don't you want to wait until we get back?" Connie asked as she popped them into her mouth. "Don't you want water to swallow those?!"

(F/N) smiled at him. "I'm taking some now so that when we return and get swarmed for medicine, I already took some and don't have to worry about getting the bottle back empty. Also, no I don't want water. I'm going to dry swallow."

"Doesn't that hurt?!"

"Shut up, Connie."

Her bald headed boyfriend grumbled under his breath as she forced the two pills down her throat, a shudder going through her as she felt them slide down slowly. When they were finally down, she took a deep breath.

"Right on," she said. "Let's get back. I'm exhausted."

Connie chuckled at her as they walked. "You were sleeping just an hour ago. It's good to be up and moving around."

"Not today, Springer. Not today."

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