Chapter 51 - Closure

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Third Person P.O.V

Jimin just finished up a long one hour meeting with one of his foreign clients. He sits on his chair with a loud thud as the chair swings with the pressure.  

"God! I'm so tired."

"Hungry as well?" Jimin peers over the direction from where the voice came from.

"Bogum?" Jimin says more like questions with a frown as he sees the said man standing there with a packet in his hands which seems to be a pizza takeout. 

Jimin looks up at the big watch on the wall right across his table and then again looks back at the human as he questions, raising his brow, "It's 2.30 in the morning, Bogum. What are you doing in my office at this hour?"

"I was hungry. Couldn't eat alone so come here to give you company." Jimin raises his brow again as he leans back on his chair with an amusing smile.

"What?" Bogum exclaims, understanding the other's look as a chuckle leaves from his face. 

"Spill." Jimin simply states as he looks at him with the same teasing smile.

The brunette rolls his eyes as he says leaning back on his chair, "I got my dream job in the most renowned hospital in America."

Jimin's eyes widen as he sits up. He looks at Bogum as a wide smile starts forming on his face and his mouth widens.

"Oh my God! That's amazing, Bogum. I'm so happy for you. Did you tell, Tae?" Jimin squeals in happiness as he raises his voice in excitement. His tired body almost gets energized with the news.

"No, man. I got the news just now. He must be sleeping right now. He went home half an hour ago so I didn't want to bother him right now. I'll tell him soon." Bogum says as he opens the big box of pizza and settles the drinks on the table from inside the packet. 

"So that's the reason you remembered me suddenly?" Jimin teases as he takes his drink in his hand.

"Come on, Min. You know, I love you."

Jimin rolls his eyes as he murmurs a 'yeah yeah' dramatically and takes a slice of pizza.

"But there's a problem." Bogum states and Jimin frowns again nodding his head so the brunette trails, "I've to leave next week."

Jimin's face turns sad immediately as he looks at Bogum's sad one.

He fixes his gaze on him when Bogum explains, "They called me for an interview so I've to go. But I don't know how I will say this to Taebear. I want him to come with me as well. You know, I don't want to be far away from him anymore."

Jimin hums softly as he sits up and takes a tissue to wipe the sauce over his lips and says, "I think it's high time you propose him. Like properly."

Bogum frowns looking away as he inwardly munches on his piece of pizza. 

"Should I?" He questions.

"Mhm. Why not?" Jimin nonchalance as he again concentrates on his pizza slice. 

"Yeah. Maybe you're right." Bogum states and the beta just nods his head. Silence engulfs them for some minutes.

"Do you think Tae is happy with me?" Bogum again asks out of the blue, frowning his eyes as he sips on his drink.

"Of course he is. Why do you think like that?" Jimin says with a 'duh' or 'silly' expression on his face but Bogum notices the glint of nervousness in his eyes.

"I don't know. Sometimes I noticed him sitting beside me but he was not really there with me, you know? Sometimes I catch him staring at the wall. He seems so off these days. He seems......empty inside. When I asked him then..."

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