The Swing in the Swinging City.

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"Mam, VISA?"

"Sure, here you go."

"May you have a safe and comfortable journey, oh- Nanya Cars, huge respect for you, your cars are really something. You have planned to have relations with Nissan, right?"

"Oh, that's so sweet of you, you know Nanya Cars, that's so nice-"

"Who doesn't know? Its the best afterall!"

"Oh thank you and yes, we are having some dealings its like, Nissan has officially joined us. But it's trial for now, for that purpose only, we are heading there."

"Oh my god! Pleased to meet you!"

"Me too, blessed to have such loyal and satisfied customers, thanks for being part of our family." I replied smiling, and handed her my business card.

Her smile was so precious.

The woman talking to me was checking my VISA, she was Japanese and she was in love with Nanya Cars, she was so sweet.

Asano, on the other side, was waiting for me. And after some chit chat with the lady, I moved.

"Kocchi kocchi!" I exclaimed to get his attention. (Here here!)

We then boarded the flying car.
This was company's, so we needed VISA beforehand as these weren't private vehicles that we could fly directly and sign for VISA on arrival, also the Flying car was much bigger, & slower compared to the smaller ones.

It was because we had work to do in this time also and then we had to sleep also in the car. It was a journey of 12 hours, whole at night. We did our work for 3-4 hours and it was finished.

"I, um, well, lets go to sleep." Asano said.

"Hm." I nodded.

I dressed in my black night dress.
"Dim the lights, night mode on and no disturbance mode on, alarm for 5:30 AM." I commanded.

We entered the room, the door closed.
"Anya, I-" I pinched him on the cheek. I winked. "Maybe, you wanted-" Asano grabbed my cheek and irritated me. But it was okay.

This was the first time I was going to London. Asano had been there before. So I didn't know any place there, but Asano did. We went to sleep. I expected some romance, afterall he was my boyfriend but, romance was too much.

The following day, we woke up at 5:30 AM. We wished each other good morning. As we woke up, we knew that we would be landing soon in 30 minutes.

We had 1 day of complete rest to spend there at the hotel. So we just decided to do karaoke and enjoy ourselves. We sung songs, played cards, had beer and at the end, we bathed together, in the big bathtub with lights and it was so enjoyable.

After this, at night, we did cuddle, and did some kinda romance, later we went for dinner. We asked for a normal dinner. Then we went out to stroll a bit in the streets of London.

It seemed that there was a kinda hype of something. People were running here and there and rumours about something were spreading.

"Asano, what is it about?" I tried to ask him.

"I don't know" he somehow tried to hold my hand basically trying to tell me not to worry, I understood, I held his hand and then I just abruptly left it. I faced him forwards, looking Directly into his eyes, I said ,

"Asano, please help me with this, I'm curious!" My eyes rolled and Asano was forced to help me.

This was my trick, He understood.

"Okay, I will help you." He said.

I held his hand adorably, he kissed it gently. I blushed.

So, Asano gathered courage to stop a man, and ask him. But on seeing me with Asano, he grabbed me, and he had 1 more partner who tried to hold me.

Now I bit him.

Asano was pushed down on the road, when, he took out his beloved airgun which he carried with his assistant, and shooted those brats.

Then we both escaped from there. We had a water bottle, thankfully, and when we were hydrated, we realised we were in a really odd place. This didn't seem to be a part of London.

Even Asano didn't seem to reminisce this place.

He seemed lost.

"Heyyy, What's up with you?" I patted him.

His face started to turn gloomy.

"Are you crying?" I asked him.

"Its her. I remember, its her, she-" he broke off.

"What? Who?" I asked.

Asano seemed to faint.

I gave him some energy pills.

"What happened?" I asked.

"That building, it was never here, it just suddenly came here. You look throught the 7th window of the 19th floor." He said panicked.

"What? A ghost?" I asked thinking if him as a coward.

"No, its the swing, it is the swing, on which me and she used to sit together and she used to make me sleep by patting me on this swing, and this swing as well she both got destroyed in an earthquake 3 years back. I couldn't save her."

I began crying.

"Oh. So you have someone you love more than anyone in this world who is no more." I felt sad for him but some anger that he , liked someone more than me. An ex?

"You don't misunderstand, the she is my mom." He said assuring, as if reading my mind.

Another tear rolled down my cheeks.
I sat down, on the stair, glaring at the swing with Asano.

"You don't feel bad dear, I am here for you. I never really left. I am here always for you. Always." We both heard this voice speaking softly.

"Did.. you.."

I nodded. We both stared each other.

"We shall meet her there. I am sure."

"I am nervous." I said.

"We'll be Alright." He assured.

I moved with him holding hands in fright.

"This building, is it the one which was destroyed?"

"No, but the location is the same. 7th home on the 19th floor."


We entered the building, a robot should've welcomed us but, it was a lady, am old woman, who was in kimono.

We were in London, then why kimono?

She welcomed us.

"Asano Tachibana, and Anya Tachibana, come on in. We have a room booked for you."

"Eh? Anya Tachibana?!" I asked looking curiously at Asano's face.

"Nani?" (What) He said kinda frustrated.

"Don't give me that expression, it makes me excited." He said while he started to blush.

I kissed him on his shoulder.

And then we moved further.

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