The Account Hack.

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We were at the café.
A robot came and said, "Welcome, beautiful couple! We have a romantic table reserved for you."

"Thankyou." I smiled at the robot.

"Verified." Said the robot with a tick appearing near his antenna.

"Don't mind all this. I am scared of whatever happened back at the beach." I said to Asano.

We were indeed astonished at what we had just experienced. There were couples all around. And it was kinda depressing to see everyone so indifferent when there was so much going on.

"Now, Anya, I am going to tell you a very important thing."

"I.. umm... Yes sure."

"Are you ok?"

"Well I guess I am not feeling well, but you go on."

"No, health first. Here, take this medicine." He handed me a pill and a glass of water. I swallowed the medicine. It took 30 mins minimum for it to show some effect.


"Welcome." He winked. I felt my heart throbbing faster than usual as my face turned bright pink.

Then he started explaining the whole thing.

I took a notebook, and we started scribbling stuff.

'Nakiji Yamamura, is Japanese, but he is husband of Vidhi's sister. This means that Vidhi is related to this guy.'

Asano ticked it.

'In future, why would Krish and Jenny together kill Vidhi? Any one is reasonable but why the two?' "Point to be noted" I said. I ticked it.

"What does he exactly mean by kill? Mentally, Cyber, or physically?"
"I think cyber or mental seems way better. Physically is cancelled from list. So it wasn't a murder, it was a cyber threat/ bully. Because he nowhere mentioned murder and even said 'boycott'." Explained Asano.

"Yes I also think so." I replied.

"So what he basically means is-"

"That he will hack us and cyber bully us if we don't do it with Krish & Jenny." I completed. "Wow Asano!!! You are so talented!!!" I shouted and everyone turned to us.. there was nothing we could do now. We apologised.

"So basically, we have to develop something so that none can be hacked." I suggested. I never expected this, Asano hugged me, "You are a genius!!! Lets develop it tonight!" He was embarrassed. I was also, but that was a friendly one. So we weren't. I wish it was a romantic one.

Developing took us a very long time. We created it and added it in everyone's software of computer.

They knew they had same dreams but me and Asano had convinced them not to worry cuz that might've happened due to similar dream waves. But as for us, we knew the truth.

Next afternoon we woke up. It was a cringy position in which we had slept, on the pillow without any quilt, and saliva all the way down from our mouth to our neck, coffee cups between our legs, we were so damn tired that we slept sitting.

This was tiring. Now no malware of the present could do anything to our system.

Now that I woke up, I wanted to throw the cups in the dustbin, and clear all the waste.

While doing so, when I came near Asano, I saw him closely.

He had cute lips. His nose was really beautiful. His eyes, though closed, were very alluring. His messed up hair looked just so cool. I was just getting myself seduced by looking at him.

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