The Arrival

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The doorbell didn't ring for the next 25 minutes.
We were worried.

This was more than a mystery. Why the heck was Jenny still unable to believe me?!Was I wrong? Was she wrong? What was going on?

Then I asked Jenny, "What problem you had in the code by the way?"

"Umm well, I am not sure about syntax for starting of engine of time machine that we are trying to create."


"Oh it was a secret but telling you is okay. I don't mind this one." She smiled at me. Krish didn't seem to have been bothered by the word 'time machine'.
But my mind was everywhere thinking about why such weird waves and then hacking and now time machine.

After 10 Minutes, we heard the doorbell. I opened the door. I hugged Vidhi. She is my best friend, the first one. Actually all the 5 of us. But I had a more than special bond with Vidhi, um, no, in female friends it was her. But in all 5 friends, the best one was Asano.

We were so happy to see each other. For a moment, I never wanted this to be over. After 8 years. Finally I met Vidhi in person. There was a silence for a few minutes. I guess, everyone was thinking something. Then Vidhi said 'Hi'. Both Jenny and Krish said Hi.. And we were again on the topic of the mystery.

45 minutes passed.

None of us could think of anything.

Then suddenly something struck me. I couldn't control myself. And somehow.. my assistant got to know it... She made the room soundproof as soon as I shouted, "OMG WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THIS BEFORE?!!!"

"What?" Said Vidhi Jenny irritated.

"Why you shouting bro?" Asked Vidhi.

"Hey, we gotta do it fast! Come on Krish, gimme your wave detector, lets check where these waves are coming from. Be fast!"

"What the hell?! Why none of us could get that?!!" Said Krish.

"But before that, instead of thinking it like that lets make a note for this. And then combining points we can give theories and then we can jump to conclusions." I said.

"You watch too much anime, don't you?" Said Asano, who just joined our video call.

"Ofcourse I do since childhood. Anime is-" I began
"CARTOON" Completed Asano.

"WHAT THE HECK? HOW DARE YOU?!" I suddenly burst out laughing and everyone did. Ofcourse this was a familiar one. Asano was always doing this in school. I was always admiring anime and they used to tease me saying anime as cartoon. This is what I miss the most in my adult life. These jokes and fun that we had together.

"Thank you very much for making my mood good again!" I said.

"You are being too formal dude". Asano laughed.

"Well I have a good news for you guys!" Exclaimed Asano.

"And sir, may I know what it is?" I said smiling awkwardly.

Asano smiled and answered ," The 'Zenbu-Tale', as you said it Krish, is something which concerns the past, the present, and perhaps even the future. WE SHALL NOT AT ALL CHANGE ANY THING IN THIS. This is what I have researched."

Everybody went in deep thinking.

"Well, I have a theory." Vidhi said.
"What is it?" Jenny asked.

"Well I think this zenbu-tale thing, this might be having some code problem-"

"Which is somehow connected to Jenny's code." said Krish.

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