Chapter 7 - Cracking dreams

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"What you're leaving early?!" Russia said his tone was sad and confused and his flag very softly glowed with his emotions.

"Мне жаль, son." *I'm sorry, son.* USSR opened his arms and Russia accepted the hug. 13 Colonies was just standing there he wanted to join but this was a family thing, USSR put a hand out to the smaller country and 13 colonies excepted it and the Soviet pulled him into the hug.

They all stood there in each other's arms than the Soviet Union new he had to start packing up and tell them...

"Soviet... I'm going to miss you." 13 Colonies retreated from the hug and wiped his tears.

"Я к отцу." *I am to father.* Russia folded his arms, USSR was on one knee but got up.

"I'll miss both of you." USSR tried to smile but it quickly went away and he sighs slowly, the two other boys were confused.

"There is something I need to tell you both..." USSR did not want to tell them at all but in his heart, he knew that it was for the best; he didn't want them to hear it from someone else.

"Um... I have...Been...Keeping something two..." He paused and took a deep breath, "I... Am..." He feels his breathing quicken.

"Dying..." USSR shoves out of his mouth, he feels better but still, he told them he was dying.

Russia and Colonies felt like they got smacked in the face with a loud snap. Russia turned pale and Colonies was denying what he just heard.

"No... no no no no! Soviet this can't be happening!" Colonies put his hands on the side of his head and hyperventilated. While Russia was in complete shock and was too scared to say anything.

"You can't be-" Colonies cut himself off. USSR tried to stay strong but the look in the younger country's eyes was too overwhelming so he looked away.

"USSR You can't be..." Colonies repeated, looking at USSR who avoided his gray gaze and slowly pulled his glove off to show that he was breaking away. Colonies and Russia started tearing, Russia quickly ran to his dad and hugged him. USSR was surprised but excepted and Colonies joined.


England sigh as he heard the door close from a country, after he had talked to USSR at the dock he came home and had to meet with three other countries that he was hoping would comply but only three did and the other refused his offer. He was left alone in the meeting room thinking to himself, he wished him and USSR had a better connection. He wasn't sure why but it was just a small though in his head. England looked at the clock, 11:00 pm USSR's boat would leave at 12:30 am. 

Wonder what Colonies is going to think of USSR leaving. England thought to himself, Would the effect last long? Ugh, I'm thinking too much I need to get some relaxing tea.

England got up and headed passed the front door of the palace when he heard it open. He is broken from his thought and quickly turns to see that it's 13 Colonies but he looked like he was crying? Oh no... USSR told them... England thought. Russia came in behind him and he looked just the same but America looked more in control of his feelings.

"Colonies? What happened." He didn't get a response instead 13 Colonies ran to his room. Russia stays behind not knowing what to do, England sighs.

"Russia you can go to the kitchen. I'll talk to him." Russia obeyed placing his bag down and England slowly worked his way to his son's room.

13 Colonies slammed on the door and whipped his face clear of tears but he lost control. He started crying. Colonies was in his room's bathroom trying to dry his tears but he had been whipping his face so much that his cheeks started to burn. Colonies decided it would be better to just cry out and pray that this was a dream, that maybe he would wake up and USSR would be fine and not fading away.

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