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I let out a scream. Well, it was more like a yelp. My hands were up and I was standing as still as I could in my shaking body.

Someone pulled a gun on me.

I'm not sure who it was, or why they were here. But, the guy lowered it. He must not know who I am. Which in my opinion is a good thing. So he left the room, leaving me, shaken and terrified.

If it wasn't Well Lady, then who is it?

I took the opportunity to run downstairs. My footsteps were quick across the floor. My hair was messy and in my face. My hands were sweaty with worry. But one nail sticking out of the floor made my escape slower.

"Ugh," I said, pushing myself off of the floor. That's when a sharp pain shot through my wrist. I was bleeding.


It was Bode. He was with his sister at the bottom of the stairs. 

He ran towards me, his footfalls heavy on the wooden stairs. Then he grabbed my hand. We were going somewhere.

"Don't freak out when you see my body," He tells Kinsey.

"[Name], stay here," he tells me. I nod.

"Wait, what's gonna happen?"

"It just looks like a sock without a foot. Or that I'm dead. But guard my body. And don't close the door!"

Then he was off. But he couldn't get hurt, because nobody could see him. Nobody could hear him. Nobody could even feel his presence.


It had been about five minutes when Bode returned.

"It's Sam Lesser. He's got mom, and a gun, and he says he wants the head key!"

Bode slammed the door, standing still. It looked like he was thinking. But my thoughts, as well as his, were interrupted when Kinsey left for the next room.

"What are yo doing?"

I her hands was a stuffed whale. She was ripping the seam where the mouth should be. And in it, she put the key. She squashed the ripped seam down to make it look more normal. Then, she put it on a little edge table.

We all ran, in some sort of a human chain. It was going fast, then we slammed on the breaks. Here was Nina. Her hands were up. Her body was shaking. Her face held only one of the most frightened expressions I' ever seen. And I had seen a lot of those.

Then there was the guy who had pulled the gun on me. Now, it was pulled on her.

"Hello Kinsey. Bode. And I didn't catch your name; too bad you ran before I could ask."

I stayed silent. I didn't want to speak. I didn't want him to know who I was. 

"Tell me your name, or I'll shoot!"

I stepped back.


"Okay. Good."

My grip on my friend tightened. What he mean by good? Was he gonna hurt me?

"Let her go."

Kinsey's voice was pure venom. Her eyes had turned to steel just then. I knew she meant no harm to us in front of her, but even I was scared.

"Yeah, totally, I can do that. We can all be friends... Just give me the head key."

I looked at Bode. How did he know?

Ghost Girl (Bode x Ghost! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now