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I smiled to myself in the bathroom mirror. Today was the first day of school. For me. It actually started a little while ago, but I couldn't help that.

When I met my teacher, she looked at me funny. It was almost in recognition. Her eyebrows were furrowed together and her lips pressed straight.

"You look like that little girl who drowned awhile back. She went to preschool here."

Bode turned to look at me, sneaking a comforting look. But, to not show any suspicions, (even though nobody really knew about the magic of ghosts coming to life or the strange things that went on in Keyhouse) I smiled. I tried to look my best. It was my first day, after all. And on this day, I sat next to Bode, which was nice.


"How was your first day?"

I smiled at Nina, who had asked the question.

"It was good. The place changed quite a bit."

I sat back in my seat, placing my book in my lap to read on the way home.

"She sits next to me, too!"

Nina laughed, pushing down the gas pedal at the green light. I smiled to myself.


I lay awake on my bed, thinking. I was thinking about a few nights ago. It seemed that until just a few nights ago, me and Bode were just best friends. We didn't do much of anything. We just talked. We hung out. We ate lunch together and ran around the house. Normal best friend stuff.

But now, it seems like we're more than just best friends. The most contact we'd ever had was a hug. Just a few quick wraps-around-the-shoulders. But gradually, they became longer. They became more meaningful. I knew he could feel it, too. 

We sometimes held hands, yeah. But it was usually the best-friend-kind of hand holding. It was like a way to protect each other on our key hunts. A way to show the other that we were there. A simple way of showing we cared, even though we didn't need to hold hands to know. But over time, the hand holding got longer and more frequent. We did it when we walked through the woods together. We did it simply when we walked around the house.

Then, we kissed. I had never kissed someone before, not like that. And just because it wasn't more than a few seconds doesn't mean I didn't feel anything. Because I did. It was like the zing all over again. My stomach didn't churn, and I didn't glow. I didn't float. Nothing really happened like that. But I felt something. It was like a whole net of butterflies was released into my stomach. The sweet, simple, tired, quick press of our lips together made me feel happy.

The last thing I remember of that night was falling asleep next to him. Never did I think I'd be sleeping with Bode Locke. I wasn't heated or anything like that. It was like at a sleepover where your bed is big enough for two and the other doesn't have a sleeping bag. But this was just a bit more meaningful. And I even remember how he'd apologized for kissing me. I told him I didn't mind, which was true. 

And I guess now he knows I like him. 

(Just something I threw together. I'm very tired but am determined to write The Black Door before I go to sleep. Thank you for those of you who came back around and read this book as before. I know I've said it a bunch before, but the support is much appreciated. I was feeling down for a while before I started updating, which is why it took so long. And though writing isn't something of my dreams, [I really want to be an actress] I really enjoy entertaining other people. And if you haven't noticed, I make fan-fiction for series' and movies that are less popular bookwise. But, I'm probably bring you with crap about me, someone who is just so random and weird and not that cool, so I will stop here and update one more chapter for tonight. Bye lovelies ! ! !)

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