
4K 101 37

I was running from a woman. She was a tall woman. A pretty woman. And she was after me. I had something she wanted: a key. It had a head on it. I used it a few times, to go into my head. My head was bright and cheerful, filled with pinks and blues and yellows. It was like a toy store. But a really organized one. 

Anyway, this woman wanted the key. There were two other people with me, my brother and sister. My sister was ten, and my brother eight. The woman was chasing all of us. But only I had the key. 

We ran towards the edge of the cliff. If we stopped, we would get caught. But what did the woman want with this key? Were there others? My siblings and I had no clue. We only knew that she demanded for this one. But we enjoyed going into each others heads. It was fun, it really was. 

"[Name]!" My sister shouted. I had tripped, the sight of the rock quickly approaching. I released my grip on the key, tossing it behind me. I heard it plink behind me. And that's all I remember before rolling off.

I screamed a bloodcurdling scream as I fell from the cliff. The water, the blue, blue water was approaching fast. There was nothing that I could do. Here I am, falling. I'm not really sure how it happened, though. It just kinda did. But now I'm terrified and I'm about to die. I can't swim!

Blackness. It was dark. And it kept getting darker. I slowly fell to the bottom of the cool water. My clothes stuck to my skin. My hair swirled endlessly around my face. And then I was gone.

Ghost Girl (Bode x Ghost! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now