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Today was another stroll-in-the-woods kind of day. It was sweat and peaceful, just like it should be. Except for the fact that we both have that itching feeling that Well Lady is gonna pop up from anywhere right now.

"So, what do you think we can do?"

I scrunched up my face for a moment to think. I didn't know what we could do. Well, not until just a second ago.

"What about my-"

Bode cut me off by pressing his hand over my mouth.

"Not here. She might be listening."

I gently removed his hand from my face, dropping it into mine as we continued walking. I understood what he meant by the whole she might be listening  thing. She could very well be. There's tons of trees she could be hiding behind. She could even be invisible.

"Do you think she's here?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean she could be following. She could be trying to figure out our weaknesses by listening, watching. I'm just trying to say that after yesterday, I don't really feel safe."

The boy turned to face me. We were now stopped in the middle of the leaf covered path, looking into each others eyes. His pretty brown eyes searched mine.

"Listen to me."

I nodded my head ever so slightly, just so he would know I was. I always was. I never wanted to miss a thing he said to me. We had so many conversations. Some of them were happy, about upcoming school events and new movies coming out. Some were sad, like the night I was at the phone. But most were like this: the Well Lady, the keys, and what we needed to do to stop her.

"I don't think we're safe, either. All I know is that we gotta stick together. Reason being, I love you and can't seem to even think about losing you."

The words left his mouth quietly. I might even call it a mumble. But I heard him. I heard him loud and clear, even thought the circle of fire that surrounded us.

"The girl was right. I was listening. I was watching. And I'm still planning my sweet revenge. The clock is ticking."

We couldn't see her. We didn't know where she was. We didn't even know if she was anywhere near us. But she was speaking to us. Her words cut deeper than a knife. They felt like steel against my ears.

And then, the fire was gone, and so was her booming voice. Now, the only sound in the woods was or footsteps running towards home.

(I know I said just one more chapter, but I had just gotten this idea. I didn't want to lose the idea, and with nothing to write on, I figured to just publish it. Bye lovelies !)

Ghost Girl (Bode x Ghost! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now