Epilogue [2]

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Megan's POV: Six Years Later

"Don't you dare!" Alex says. "You can't do this to me! Change it, say something else!"

"Mama." Allison replies. I pat Alex on the back. 

"There, there." I say with a fake pout. I then move to pick up the baby from the cot, Allison Maya, just a year old. "Say it again, who's your favourite?" 

"Mama!" She says excitedly. 

"That's right, because momma's always best." I reply, tickling her stomach. She laughs and kicks out. 

"Woah, be careful little princess. Don't want to hit mummy's tummy." Alex says, coming and taking Allison from my arms. 

"She was fine." I tell him. 

"Doesn't hurt to be too careful." Alex replies. Allison giggles and reaches for me. I take her from his arms and hold her close. 

"Did dad lose again?" Another voice comes from the doorway. We turn to see Mathew coming through the door. 

"Maybe." Alex replies. Mathew laughs. Mathew Philip, five years old. He comes up to us and stands by Alex's side. 

"Sore loser?" Mathew asks. 

"You bet." I reply. 

"I wasn't that much of a sore loser, but number three will be the one." Alex replies. 

"You said that about Allison." I remind him. 

"And now I'm saying it about the prince or princess in there." He replies, putting hand on my swollen stomach. At four months, the bump is visible more than my other bumps. 

"Well, I guess we'll know when it comes along." I reply. "But for now, you're a loser." I then look to Allison. "Isn't he a loser? Yes he is, he's a big sore loser." She giggles.

"Okay, I don't appreciate this bullying." He replies. 

"No?" I ask. "Shouldn't have made it a competition then." He rolls his eyes. I look up into his eyes and just smile. "I love you." I tell him. 

"I love you too." He replies. "Come on, we've got a scan to go to." 

"I'll pack up her things." I tell him. He nods. 

"Come on, buddy. You're going to grandpa's." Alex tells Mathew. 

"Grandpa Hades?" Mathew asks with excitement. 

"You bet." I tell him. 

"Yay!" He replies. "I'll get my things." He then rushes out the room. We watch him go with a laugh. 

"You know, I don't think he's excited enough." Alex jokes. I laugh. He then reaches and takes Allison. He starts to get her in the car while I pack up the things. As I do, I look to my stomach. This may be our third child, but in reality it would have been our fourth, I had a miscarriage a few years ago. It made us disheartened to try again. We always wanted three kids. So, this little bump will be the final one. 


 Walking towards father's cottage made me happy, he's really settled down. Got himself some dogs, and of course they only had one head, but it made it feel like the old days. Especially since he's got three. As we walk down the path, the door opens and Hades stands in the doorway. 

"Grandpa Hades!" Mathew yells, running towards the man. 

"Mathew!" He yells back, pulling the boy into his arms and spinning him around. 

"Is that my nephew I hear?" I hear Mal's voice. 

"Mal?" I ask. She comes into view from the door way. 

"Auntie Mal!" Mathew says before coming to her as well. Mal kneels and hugs the boy. Alex then follows the boys inside, before Mal walks over to me. She pulls me in for a gentle hug, so not to squash the child in my arms. 

"How have you been?" I ask her. I haven't seen her much recently, now she's Queen, she's going through the process of making sure they know the whereabouts of all the villains. 

"I've been good. What about you?" She asks. 

"I'm good." I reply. 

"How's Mathew and Allison doing?" She asks.

"They're good. Alex is gutted because Allison said 'mama'." I reply. 

"Mama." Allison says, clapping her hands. I laugh. Mal laughs. 

"Did you want to hold her?" I ask. Mal nods and takes Allison from my hands. Mal rocks her and then looks to my stomach. 

"Do you know the gender?" She asks. I shake my head. 

"Not yet, we've got the scan in about an hour. That's why we're leaving the kids here." I explain.

"That's great. You're really happy, Meg. And it's great to see." She replies. I smile to her.

"You're happy too, and I'm grateful for that." I reply. "Did you want to come to the scan with us?"

"I would love to." She replies. 

"Come on, we should leave soon." I tell her. I walk into the room and Mal passes Allison into Hades' awaiting arms. "Mal's coming with us, if that's alright?"

"Of course. If you wanted me to stay, I could?" Alex replies. "If you wanted this time to catch up."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Of course, love. Just ring me with the results." He replies. I nod. 

"Are you sure, Alex? I feel like I'm intruding." Mal replies. 

"You're never intruding Mal. Besides you'll need to know what it's like." Alex replies. Mal looks to him with a smile and a nod. Together we say goodbye and make our way to the car. I drive us to Fairy Godmother's and together we walk in. 


Lying on the bed, Mal stands beside me looking more nervous than I am. 

"You okay?" I ask. She looks to me. 

"How are you so calm?" She asks me. "I'm freaking out and it's not even my kid."

"I got used to it with the others. Can't change it. We've got no preference, so I'm calm." I explain. Fairy Godmother then enters the room with her wand. 

"Are you ready, Megan?" She asks. I nod. Mal reaches and takes my hand. She waves her wand and it glows gold. She closes her eyes and in her hand materialises some photos. Our scans. She opens her eyes and the wand stops glowing. Fairy Godmother looks happy as she looks down at the pictures.

"Well, Megan, I'm pleased to say that the babies are healthy and they're both girls." She tells me. 

"Oh, good. A girl." I say. Then I freeze when I hear what she said. "Hold up. Babies?" I ask. 

"Yes. You're having twin girls." Fairy Godmother replies, handing me the photos. On which are two shapes. I look to Mal with shock, which she mirrors. I look back down to the photo and then up to my twin. 

Maybe it was fate, after all, this story started with the two twin daughters of Maleficent. 

Two girls that were born on the wrong side of the bridge, brought to the light by a new King. Two girls that stuck together and made it through villains and heroes alike. Because that's what you do when you're twins. You stick together. You brave the world together. 

And now it's ending with the twin daughters of one of these twins. Going to be born on the right side of the bridge into a happy family. Different circumstances but same idea. It's like it's gone in a circle. But you know what they say about life:

'Life is a circle. The end of the journey is the beginning of the next.'

-Joseph M. Marshall

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