Do What You Gotta Do

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Megan's POV:

After parking up the bikes, everyone turns when Mal speaks. 

"Hey, I'm me again." Mal says. 

"Duh." Celia comments. 

"Yeah, Mal. Evil magic doesn't work here, that was the point." I reply laughing.

"Welcome back." Evie says slinging an arm over her shoulder. I look to Jay and Carlos and we all had the same 'thank God' look on our faces. Together we all walk to Dr Facilier's place. Celia smiles as she does a special knock on the door. After doing it once, getting a response, and then doing another, the door opens. She ushers us in and we follow her. As we walked through the entrance we could see Dr Facilier in the middle of 'Dr Facilier's voodoo arcade'. Celia rushes over to him and they have a greeting, they dance in time and he leans down for a kiss on his cheek but Celia knocks his hat and then laughs as her dad catches her. It was nice seeing her happy with her dad. It made us, who didn't have a good relationship with our parental figures, happy. Hopeful.

"Guys." Carlos calls us. I turn to see that he's watching the TV there. The man on the news is talking about a sleeping curse that has spread through Auradon by Audrey. The TV cuts off as the reporter tells the camera man that the curse was heading his way. 


As we leave, we notice that Harry, Gil and three other pirates are on our bikes. 

"Rookie mistake." Carlos comments.

"Long time nay see." Harry says to us. 

"Get off my bike, Hook." Jay replies.

"Catch me if yer can, Jay." He replies before zooming off after the others, laughing. 

"Over the roofs." Carlos says. 

"Cut them off." Jay adds with a nod. Carlos, Jay and Evie start to run after them. Celia goes to follow, but Mal holds her back. 

"Hey, hey, hey. Not you." Mal says to Celia. "They got this. We have gotta go and find the Ember."

"Good timing. It's right about his nap time." Celia replies. We nod and follow her to the place. It's a large gate with a skull on it. Saying 'GET LOST' above. Celia puts in the joy and starts to open the door when Mal interrupts her. 

"Hey. How big is that dog?" Mal asks her, pointing to a sign that says 'BEWARE OF DOG' with a picture of a three headed dog on it. 

"You'll see." Celia replies cryptically. We then open the gates and start to walk in. Before we can get very far, Celia turns to us. "Okay, stay quiet. It echoes like crazy in here." We nod and follow her. There's the sound of dogs barking and Mal jumps out of her skin. We then all put a miner's helmet on our head and turn the lights on. Riding the bike across the train tracks and through the tunnels together. The sound of barking still echoing. When we get to the end, we put the helmets back on the bike and walk into Hades' room. There in the middle is Hades' napping on the couch, large black sunglasses covering his eyes. We slowly walk down the wooden stairs and Celia points to the ember. Mal and I nod. There's more barking and Mal's head whips around, Celia nudges us and points to a record player. So much for a big and scary dog. Mal and I go to move forwards, but Celia gestures for us to go around the back. We nod and go around the back. 

Mal and I get to behind the couch when Celia must have got fed up of the dog noise. She goes to the record player in a huff and takes the needle off. 

"What are you doing here?" Hades asks. Mal and I freeze in our steps. Celia turns to him and stays calm. 

"I noticed you were low on canned corn." She replies, taking a can out her back and throwing it to Hades. Mal and I both reached for the ember, but Hades snaps around and grabs each of our arms. He takes the ember out of Mal's loose grip and holds in his in hand. He let's go of my arm and spins to face us, leaning his chin on his arm. 

"Hi, dad." Mal and I say in unison. He takes off his glasses and looks into my eyes then Mal's. Giving us a little wave. 

"Quite a show you put on the other day." He tells us.

"Right back at ya." Mal replies. 

"Hmm. I was just coming to see you." He says, standing from the couch. Mal and I stand from our kneeling positions. 

"Really? Wonder why. Is it because I'm going to be Queen?" Mal asks.

"Ah, ha. Now, Mal, don't be bitter." He says, coming around the back of the couch. Mal has walked around the front but I just stayed still. 

"You abandoned us when we were just babies." I tell him.

"No, no. I left your mother." Hades replies. "She's not the easiest person to get along with."

"You think?" Mal asks. 

"Not even close." I add. 

"Huh. You see? We have something in common already." He replies, grabbing a scarf and putting it around his neck. "We all hate your mother." He says putting an arm around my shoulder while looking at Mal. 

"No. I don't hate my mother. She may be an evil lunatic, but at least she stuck around." Mal replies. 

"Oh. Boo-hoo." Hades replies, he then looks to me. 

"Oh, no. I hate her guts." I reply. 

"That's my girl. Anyway, you think you've had it rough?" He asks Mal, walking around the couch to talk to her. "I used to be a God! I had an entire world which bore my name. And now I have nothing. And you have no idea what that feels like."

"Really? Because for 16 years, we had nothing." Mal and I yell back in unison. 

"And now, I have a whole world." Mal says. "But unless I get that ember, it's game over." She then holds out her hand. Hades pushes her hand back. 

"Hold, please." He says before turning around. Suddenly the room filled with music. Mal and I look to each other with disbelief. 

HADES: 'Listen, little girls
You're talking to a God
And I don't wanna hear the drama
Kindness ain't my brand'
MAL AND MEGAN: 'Oh, I guess that's why you ran'
HADES: 'Try being married to your mama!'
MAL AND MEGAN: 'You stink at being a dad'
HADES: 'Poor girlies, are you sad?'
MAL: 'Not as sad as you without your powers'
MEGAN: 'We didn't come to fight
For once, do something right'
HADES: 'I steal souls, were you expecting flowers?'MAL AND MEGAN: 'We only need you 'cause we came here for something'
HADES: 'I've given you everything,'

ALL: 'by giving you/me nothing.'

HADES: 'I did what I had to do'
MAL: 'No, you only did what's best for you'
HADES: 'Well, you could learn a thing or two
When push comes to shove
You do what you gotta do, yeah'MEGAN: 'You were never there'
MAL: 'Guess you don't have a phone
You never called to say, "I miss you"'
HADES: 'Ha ha ha, are you kidding? Is this a joke?
You need to let it go
You're stronger with those daddy issues'
MAL AND MEGAN: 'Oh! Thank you!'
HADES: 'Show me some respect
It ain't easy to neglect
My attention would've made you softer'
MAL: 'Ooh-hoo! Should I be proud?'
MEGAN: 'Don't turn this thing around'
HADES: 'I guess you are you're father's daughters, ha, ha, ha'MAL: 'Don't think we need you, we just came here for something'
HADES: 'I've given you everything,'

ALL: 'by giving you/me nothing'

MEGAN: 'We did what we had to do 
We made it on our own, no thanks to you'
HADES: 'Well, you could learn a thing or two
When push comes to shove
You do what you gotta doHow 'bout I go with you and we'll spend some time?'
MAL AND MEGAN: 'How 'bout you stay here 'cause you're out of your mind!'
HADES: 'Let's make new memories, you can show me the town'
MAL: 'No, you can keep your memories now'
HADES: 'Get over it'
MEGAN: 'We are over it!'
ALL: 'I'm over you being over it!'
HADES: 'Let's dance.' 

ALL: 'I did what I had to do
No, you only did what's best for you
Well, you could learn a thing or two
When push comes to shove, you do
When push comes to shove, you do
When push comes to shove
You do what you gotta do, yeah'

MAL AND MEGAN: 'Ha, please '

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