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Megan's POV:

"Alright. Get in, get out." Mal tells us. "Jay, you good?"

"Yeah." He replies. He then activates the remote and the barrier opens. The six walk out the circle. As Mal walks through, ember in hand, she feels some magic and she's changes. I look to see her hair has blue streaks and the green from her outfit has been replaced with blue.

"Whoa." The others comment.

"You got a whole 'Hades look' going on." Evie comments. "Maybe that's what happened to you when you was struck by the ember." She then says to me. I just send her a nod. We were all too busy looking at Mal's new look to notice anything behind us. That is until we heard them. Hearing the sounds of two people grunting as they landed on the floor, we all turn around to see Harry and Gil on our side of the barrier.

"We made it, bro." Gil says to Harry.

"We made it." Harry replies. Evie backs up to protect Celia, while the rest of us watch the two VKs.

"Hey, guys. We're jus' comin' for a wee visit." Harry says to us. While both of them starts to walk towards us. We all stand there and push them back. Harry then pushes Carlos back, but he falls into Mal which makes her drop the ember.

"Oh, hey. Stop." She orders, while reaching down to pick it back up. But as it's in her hand, Harry uses his hook to make hand swing and throw the ember into the sea.

"No!" We all yell as the ember falls to the sea, I'm just about to use my magic to get it back when a tentacle wraps around it. Uma suddenly surfaces.

"Drop something?" She asks, gesturing to the ember in her tentacle.

"It can't get wet. Give it back before it goes out." Mal orders. Uma just laughs as she wraps her tentacle around the ember.

"Uma?" Gil asks, considering Harry has seen her in this form before.

"That's my name." She replies with a wave. She then smiles as disappears into the water.

"No!" Mal yells as the tentacle holding the ember goes into the water. The water then spins and glows with the light of Uma's necklace. It grows bigger and bigger until it expands and splashes everyone. The water goes back into the sea and everyone looks over to see that Uma was no where in sight.

"Hi, boys." Uma's voice sounds, we all turn around to see her back in human form on the other side of the bridge holding the ember in her hand. Harry and Gil walk over to her.

"Welcome back." He tells her. She laughs.

"Uma, you swam off and forgot all about us." Gil says sadly.

"Yeah. Planning her revenge, no doubt." Mal replies.

"Or not, she could have been on vacation." I reply with a shrug. Mal looks at me with a glare to shut up. I hold my hands up in surrender and gesture zipping up my lips.

"It's not all about you, Mal." Uma replies. "After getting Harry back onto land. I started looking for a hole in the barrier, to let everybody out. And you know what I found, boys? It way better out there than we thought. There's this thing that looks like a furry rock called a coconut and fish so big you could dance on their backs. And they've been keeping it all for themselves."

[Author's Note: I know that Harry came back with her at the end of the last book. So, there's a little plot hole there, I'm sorry.]

"Whatever. Uma we need that to break a spell." Mal says, holding her hand out for the ember.

"Cast by Audrey, Sleeping Beauty's daughter." Carlos adds.

"Mm. So, the good guy is the bad guy?" Uma asks with a laugh. "Well, I might not give it back. Let's see what happens."

"Uma, it's not the time for games! People's lives are in danger!" Mal yells at her.

"Guarantee me that every single villain kid who wants to, can get off the Isle." Uma says.

"I can't do that." Mal replies.

"Can't do that." Uma mutters with a nod, walking to the edge of the bridge. "Well, how about now?" She asks.

"Deal." Mal says quickly. "Deal." Uma gasps and jokingly goes to drop it in the water.

"Uma!" Evie shouts. "Her word is good." Uma brings it back into her hands.

"If not, I promise. That's what we're working for anyway." I say. She looks to me and seems to have more respect for my words rather than Mal's. She nods to me.

"I'll still keep this, for the time being." Uma says, putting the ember in her jacket pocket. She then walks closer to Mal. "Because if you think I trust you to save the world on your own, think again. This is a job for pirates."

"We can always go back to hating each other when this is over." Jay reminds Mal.

"Fine." Mal replies.

"Where are our bikes?" Jay asks the group.

"Oh, yeah. We crashed them." Gil replies before Harry does an imitation of the crash with side effects. He laughs at our annoyed faces.

"Here's a thought." Evie says. "We could try to be friends. Put our history behind us and celebrate our differences. Yeah?" She then pulls out some gum from her pocket. "Who wants gum?" We all just stare at her.

"Let's go." Uma says to her group.

"No?" Evie asks, about her gum. Uma starts to walk away, but Mal stops her.

"No. I'm in charge." Mal tells her. "Let's go." She says and starts to walk Uma rolls her eyes and walks too.

"Are we really being this petty?" I ask, turning to the person next to me who happens to be Gil.

"Apparently." He says. We then walk, I go past Evie and hold my hand out. She places a piece of gum in my hands and then has one herself. Gil then links my arm with his and we walk across the bridge together.

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