Chapter 39: No Friend of Mine

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Chapter 39: No Friend of Mine 

       I parked my car and that's when the rain started coming down. My wipers were on. And I drove down a slick street before I entered into the premises of the Golightly mansion. The gate keeper allowed me in. And then I slowly drove in once the gates opened and I drove in, parking my beautiful car. And the rain still hit on my car like crazy.

     As soon as I was parked, I turned off my car and I unbuckled myself and I decided on taking off my white thigh knee high socks and throwing them into the backseat. Taking Christopher's advice. And I put my hood of my red raincoat over my head and then I had got out of my car with my purse and I headed for the two large doors with lions for knockers. And of course I rang their doorbell, hoping I wouldn't get soaked to death. I was soaked the moment I got there. And then of course Peach answered the door, looking extremely happy to see me alive in front of her.

    She quickly invited me to get in and to not get wet. Her Butler, Angus took my rain coat from me and then Peach quietly guided us up the staircase while her parents were in an important meeting in her father's office. And we actually got upstairs quietly. And once we got into her room, we both exhaled a breath of allowing to speak.

"I'm so sorry about that. My parents take those things very serious. After vacation they been working like crazy. But we finally see each other after my long long exhausting trip from Australia. So how you been?" She had this fake smile on I could tell.

The last thing I want is to really be friendly with her. But I had to act casual. I had to act like everything is okay. I don't want to make Peach go nuts. So I had to relax. The one thing I want is to just act like everything is normal and then slowly bring it out. But I'm gonna try to test her.

"It was good. I been great actually. How was Australia?" I asked.

"Oh my god it was great! We spent the entire time at the beach. And guess what I got this beautiful summer hat that is just lovely. It's just... a true gem." She chuckled, pulling out the hat as she placed it on her head. And her long blonde hair just flowed with waves.

Peach even has a tan which is so unlike her. She looked like she was wearing foundation. But it was a natural sun tan. She even seemed different. Did she get laid? What is the deal with her?

"And I made a charm bracelet for the both of us. And that way we can be besties." She said with excitement.


After everything she has done she thinks we're besties? There's no way that I am taking that stupid bracelet when our friendship means nothing to her. I just see her room that is fully designed for a Queen it seems, I just stay comfortable removing my shoes. And I sit in the chair, and I stare directly at Peach who made a twirl in her light peach pinkish mini dress. It was a low cut dress made of lace. And it was a v neck showing partial of her cleavage. And her makeup was heavy and thick on her eyes.

   What has gotten into her?

   I smiled to keep the mood. And Peach had acted like something was definitely different about her. But it's like I know. Because I surely don't. Peach seemed like she changed moods recently.

"So have you been talking to Mandy and Victoria lately?" I asked her, deciding to cross my legs.

"I actually haven't. I was about to when you showed up." She took her summer hat hanging it on the wall. "They haven't been speaking to me since...well Christopher's graduation party."

     And I understand why. Victoria and Mandy have always been there for me from the beginning. Peach always seemed so critical. And the way she looked at me when she confronted me for finding out. And just like that... I discovered that easily maybe she was jealous of me. And that was months ago.

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