Chapter 38: I'm Yours

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Chapter 38: I'm Yours

     I woke up to hearing birds singing. I woke seeing it was seven thirty in the morning. And Christopher was still lying beside me. I smiled, adoring it. Adoring him. I looked on the floor and saw the used condom in my trash bin. I forget to empty it before. But I'll just do it later. I wanna enjoy my peaceful moments with Christopher lying with me. And I know how he likes sleeping in.

I carefully got out of my bed trying not to wake him. And I got out of bed, retrieving my locket Christopher got me for Christmas and I put it on. And then I took my Polaroid camera, and I returned back over to the bed, taking photos of him and us. And then I placed it on my nightstand.

Even when Christopher is away at College I never wanna take my locket off. And I never wanna stop wearing it. And then I went to collect my brush and I started brushing my long hair so it didn't look like messy bed hair. And just brushed through it. And then all of a sudden I just locked my door and went back in my bed to wrap my arms around Christopher. He is the only one I wish to be held by. I want him to know I'm his and that he's mine. I guess he's always has been.

I relaxed myself feeling his warmth. He is truly is my everything. The only person I want t lie in bed with. No one can compare to him. And I guess he is the only one I want to be with. And I can't stand the thought of him going off to college soon. Like literally next week. This is like the complete opposite of what I want. I smiled at him and he honestly is the greatest. I had an amazing night with him. Something no one else could have given me. I guess I can't go on without him. If I couldn't be with him I don't know what I'd do. I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

I rested my head on his chest while he lied down on his back just breathing. And I just felt the loose embrace of his arms around me. I don't think I can stop having him for one second. And I felt like he was all that I needed. I smiled at him and there was that feeling that made me not ever wanna stop having him for a second. I could tell the house still had a day of loudness. Most likely dad and Colleen. But of course I enjoyed mornings the best. But I can't not just have morning sex without the comprehension of me going for two rounds.

I felt my bed shake for a moment and I felt Christopher breathe pretty loudly. And I looked up seeing him awake. And of course, I was definitely nervous to see his response but his response of a morning was more like him kissing my earlobe and giving me decent small pecks along the side of my neck and on my sweet spot. But I don't want to get aroused. And of course, I looked at him with a smile and I started giggling from his kisses that I couldn't hold back laughter. I just hope we weren't loud enough that my dad or Colleen heard.

"How did you dream?" He mumbled to my ear, leaving a small kiss on my cheek.

I remember everything about my...nightmare last night. It wasn't a dream. It was a nightmare. Something I'm terrified of happening. Something I hope doesn't happen. I dreamt that my father found out about us and he got angry and he attacked Christopher so badly that he killed him. He was yelling at him and then punching him and blood was everywhere and I cried. And the ambulance came. And then I woke up silent just pushing back the nightmare 'caused I saw I was nicely wrapped in Christopher's arms.

And this nightmare I rather keep to myself. Something I don't think Christopher should know. But last night I remember in here that Christopher said Maya's name in his sleep. I guess he misses that woman who was like a sister or mother figure in other ways. But to discover that he told me he dreams of her is proof he does when I hard him gasp her name in his sleep. And I know better than the question to ask.

I embraced my arm across his chest to his shoulder. "Great. So great...I saw yellow sunflowers."

"Is yellow your favorite color?" He chuckled.

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