Chapter 28: You Don't Know Me Anymore

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Chapter 28: You Don't Know Me Anymore

Four Months Later.

I sat in the library of school just trying to study for finals. Four months flew by too quick if I'm allowed to say. And what I say is I have been studying for weeks for the finals. Finals start next week. But I'm also taking driving lessons. So a lot is going on. And for four months Peach and I have been close again. Like we were before Christopher entered into my life.

And I refuse to mention the C word. His name makes me cringe. But we live in the same house. Our bedrooms next door. And we both share the same bathroom. But I have made time to set boundaries from him. And for four months I have. And I hope soon things will change. But I'm not gonna lie. Nothing has. It's been nothing but loneliness and misery. I know it's torturing C. It is torturing him like knives being poked into a needle and thread. And he may act oblivious as if he's happy and fine. But I'm observant. And I read him like a book. He's anything but fine.

    It's early May. And the weather is hot now. And I just can't stand it because in Santa Monica it gets crazy. But I'm stuck in the library with no air I can study for the final exams that are coming up. And I'm waiting to get through this studying crap because I'm bored because I'm dying. I felt sweat coming from my forehead.

    Over in the corner of the room I saw Victoria and Logan both studying together like an amazing couple. They were both smiling. And I envied how perfect they seemed to be. But Victoria deserves that after what Luke did to her. But also, across the way I saw Luke staring at me which definitely made me feel like he was knowing something of me or reading my mind. But I didn't care. I got nothing to care of when it comes to Luke Smith.

As I stayed locked in this library with my books, studying everything for my exams. The worst is for my History exam. I know I'll have to study extra hard. But while I'm studying for exams everyday. Christopher had filled out many applications for colleges that he is waiting to hear back from. And different law schools...that he liked not just Hastings. But he has been studying while trying to wait to hear back from some of the colleges he applied for. And April got into Berkeley. And she was excited telling Christopher when they were at outside down by the pool when it was 89 degrees outside. And it's only been May for like a week.

    And I smiled to myself of how stupid I am to ever think I could be with Christopher. But while in the quiet library I just remained quiet. But then my phone buzzed. And I received a text.

               TEXT FROM PEACH 🍑:
             Slumber Party At My House 2nite
              Xoxoxo ♥️♥️

      I smiled and I was thinking about studying. But I could just bring my books to study at Peach's. And I definitely want to hang out with Peach. But I know she also invited Victoria and Mandy. And that made me excited. And after this, I had seen the clock and in seconds the bell rang. And everyone quickly emerged from the library. I took my books, carrying them with me. And I left the library and on my mind was anxiety about not doing well on my History exam by next week. But I have tomorrow to study for.

    The halls were packed while I was on my way to my locker. I got there in one piece. I saw Amber with her gals walking the halls as this large Queen everyone praises. And so, I just got to my locker ready to leave. Afterwards, I grabbed my bag and jean jacket and I left out the front doors to get to the parking lot. And there was Peach's beautiful white convertible mustang. I been telling dad since I was twelve that I want a mustang. So if I get a car I know what he'll get me.

    Peach got there just like me. But I breathed, knowing that I didn't see Christopher in school today which I was relieved. And it's only been four months since we ended things. And I been wanting to be open with three of my best friends about Christopher. Victoria doesn't know about it. But Peach and Mandy do. And it's not fair to her. So tonight I should tell her.

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