Chapter 35: Graduation

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Chapter 35: Graduation

After weeks and weeks I had finished my exams. And I was so glad that they were finally over. And today is my first day after school is finally out and over. But more importantly, today is Christopher's birthday and his graduation. Yesterday he was at graduation rehearsal's. And everyone knew this day would come. I knew it from the start. I'm sure I never thought it would happen so soon. But it did. And here I know is he graduates when he turns eighteen.

       Colleen gave birth to Christopher on May seventeenth, 2001 at 11:57pm. And here she is, eighteen years later about to see Christopher graduate from high school. And it's definitely something she must be proud about as much as I am. But yesterday Colleen showed me a picture of herself just before she graduated from high school when she was pregnant and she was extremely big. She told me when she was pregnant with Christopher she craved artichokes, almonds, stuffing, eggplant, steak, mashed potatoes and salty chips. But she told me the worst part of being pregnant was the morning sickness.

    It was so early in the morning and I looked over seeing the time, 5:54am and I rolled over from the room being hot. I got up to turn on my air conditioner from the room being hot. I was dying until I felt the cold air hit on me. And then I heard some loud noise from downstairs. Marshmallow was lying on my bed, panting. I opened my door and I shut it behind me. I was wearing sweats and a tank top. I went downstairs to investigate who was making that noise. In the family room I saw Colleen sitting on the hardwood floor, still in her pajamas with the stand light on in the corner. It was so early I'm surprised she was even up. She has a lot on her shoulders. Dad and Christopher were still sleeping except her. I saw Colleen with a bunch of boxes. She opened them with a blade opening them. She took out squared books that were photo albums I'm sure.

      The two large French doors were opened and I couldn't think of much to go down to her. And I tip toed down there. She saw me and smiled and I joined her. It must be the acceptance letter Christopher got from UC Hastings. The one he showed me when we were at the lake house. And I guess it gave me anxiety to know that he is going off to college in September. And it worried Colleen more than anything. He is eighteen going to a lovely college. And the worry I got is how he'll have too much fun in college and forget about me, his mom and his friends. It is a Law School. And I do know this much. He is doing things to do with Law 'cause of Maya. Something he wants to do. He wants to become a lawyer for it.

     I know Colleen has a lot on her shoulders and she looks scared that her son is eighteen, graduating and in four months he'll be off at college in San Francisco. I just imagined his life becoming too important for him to spend or waste his time with me. And of course Colleen and every mother at this point should be anxious and worried at this state when their kid graduates.

    "I'm looking through some old photos. I couldn't sleep." She said, her eyes looking drowsy from lack of sleep.

I joined her by sitting on the floor with her seeing the photo album everywhere in her surroundings. One photo caught my attention. It was a house with a man outside of the house. I wanted to see a picture of Christopher's father so badly. I wanted to see a picture of him. I would ask Colleen but it seemed rude if I asked. Like I'd be prying. I just relaxed seeing the photo looked like it was Christopher's dad. It was the back of his head not his face. His build looked similar to Christopher's almost.

"Colleen, who is this?" I asked, pointing at it.

"That's Christopher Malcolm the second. Christopher's father." She replied. "Do you wanna see a picture of him?"

"Yes, please." I nodded.

She was excited to pull out an entire photo album of him. It had his name on it. She opened it and the first photo appeared of Christopher's father holding a baby. Holding Christopher. It was taken in a hospital 'cause there was the blue blanket wrapped around him. He looked like the vision of Christopher looks like now. I saw the other photos with Christopher's dad and Colleen both hugging like a mad lovable couple.

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