Chapter 9: Mandy's Party

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Chapter 9: Mandy's Party

I only thought of myself to be sure what I was doing. Christopher hasn't shown his face since last night when he assaulted Patrick for kissing me. I called Patrick but of course he didn't answer and I left a dozen texts. And no answer. And Christopher didn't even come downstairs for breakfast. He didn't take his daily morning shower. No loud music. Nothing. It's silence. I feel awful about him being grounded. April had called nonstop on the house phone since I'm guessing Christopher wasn't answering her calls. But I hate how Christopher is being so miserable. He must feel bad about what he did. I cried for hours. I barely slept. But tonight is Mandy's party.

       Okay so this entire party is to get Logan and Peach together. They need to get hooked up together. I mean it. Peach is beautiful, funny, flirty and kind. All morning I been going through my dresses, skirts and anything party-like that I can wear to Mandy's party. Okay so Mandy's parents are out of town for the weekend. So she planned this party for weeks. And getting Logan and Peach together is best part. I mean I know he is April's ex but it doesn't mean anything. There's always a crazy ex that a guy had that you possibly have to deal with.

      I was outside, just coming from out of the pool. And there was music playing but not too loud where the neighbors would complain. And still I have not seen Christopher since last night. But I had a very boring Saturday so far. I had texted Mandy this morning and she wanted to make sure I was going. And I think I can have an idea of having to get Christopher ungrounded. It was harsh of everything that went down last night. But still what he did wasn't right. It was very disrespectful and now Patrick isn't speaking to me. So obviously something is going on. I haven't seen Christopher so I don't know if he spoke to him or not or told him to stop talking to me. And I don't love sweet revenge as much. But I wanna fix the relationship between Christopher and me. I don't wanna fight. But eventually he's just gonna have to get over it all.

As I hopped out of the pool, climbing up from its stairs and retrieving my towel while being soaked in my full piece red bathing suit. And I went over to turn the music off. Colleen was home but she and dad have this dinner they are to go to tonight around seven. So after dad gets home they'll be out having quite a night.

Once I was just damp, I went inside where Marshmallow was lying on the sitting room's floor where Colleen was reading a book. Maybe one of those mystery books in crime and possibly murder. From those books, they interest her. It's funny my mom is into books like that. I think that Colleen and my mom would be good friends. But my mom wouldn't due to the idea she is married to her ex husband who was indeed her soulmate months ago before they began fighting and before the divorce when I was still just fifteen.

I stared at the empty room and I smiled softly. I had gone upstairs to my room, closing the door where I decided to put on a coverup dress over my bathing suit. And then I took my comb and began going through my long hair with it. And I had put some muse in my hair and I had sprayed this Mint Cinnamon perfume. And I then left my room on my way downstairs to throw my towel in the wash room into the basket to put in once the load was done.

I entered into the sitting room, retrieving my To Kill a Mockingbird book that was on the coffee table. Colleen took her reading glasses off to see me enter.

"Hey Emma, how are you this afternoon?" She put this big smile on her face, and I just looked at the woman who is now my best friend and stepmother.

"Things are fine, I guess." I replied.

I took a seat on the other sofa and I opened my book, thinking of nothing but wanting to see if Christopher would talk to me. But I know deep down that he won't. He didn't come down for breakfast. The whole thing from last night is really eating him.

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