Chapter 6: Storming & Mom's House

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Chapter 6: Storming & Mom's House

       Once I got inside mom's cozy house, I closed the door. And I was soaked while in my cheerleading uniform. I had taken my shoes off so I didn't wet her nice polished floors. And I could hear the rain pouring outside. So I took my socks off even, and I turned on every light so I could see. And I then just left my bag by the door and I decided to head towards the bathroom where I took a towel trying to dry my ponytail. But my face had nothing but sadness reading on it.

       Christopher broke my heart today. I touched my face where he had hit me and I just felt like he enjoyed doing that. It must had made him feel so good like he had power over me. And I just hated seeing him look at me the way he did. Acting like he cared when I was down. I just cried as I allowed the faucet sink to be on and let the water run and I just cried. I let the tears swell up in my eyes once again. My sobs were real.

I just kept replaying it in my mind. The way he did and how he just did it without thinking and all I wanted to do was scream my heart out. But right now my head started to hurt and I heard the rain outside the bathroom window pouring down like crazy. And I just sniffles and I thought of how dad ruined my life by having to get married to Colleen and now I got to put up with Christopher.

And the way Christopher looked at me teared me down even more and I just cried about it. And I couldn't even imagine how he could allow himself to do that. When he called my name when I left, he definitely sounded hurt and somewhat broken down inside. But how will I explain to dad? But I rather not tell him about this. Hopefully he won't find out. Not even Colleen.

I then left the bathroom and I headed into the kitchen. I grabbed my phone out of my purse on the way and I decided to call mom. Just so she's aware I'm here. Mom doesn't usually come home until five. And it's almost five. And I stared at the clock. But it is pouring rain outside so she's driving in it. In her Volkswagen.

While dialing her number it just kept ringing and ringing. And then I knew I would have to leave a message only. I rolled my eyes that she didn't answer. She must be driving or doing something very important that she can't pick up.

And then I heard her voicemail come on. "Hey this Rachel. Sorry I missed you call. But I'll get back to you as soon as possible." Her voice spoke.


"Hi, mom," I spoke picking up my bag, taking off my shoes and going into the kitchen, switching on the light. "It's me. I'm at your house for some tea. We haven't talked since yesterday. I'm sorry I didn't call you this morning. But things have been hectic." I opened the cabinet pulling out a glass. "But I'm just gonna wait here for you," I opened the fridge door, taking the jug of orange juice and pouring it into a glass. "So...I'll see you when you get home. Bye. Love ya."

I hung up. And then I placed my phone on the countertop and I took a drink from orange juice. I then took the coaster with me into the sitting room turning on mom's TV. And I say the coaster down on the coffee table with my glass. And when I turned on the TV I saw the news coming on. And it was about the weather. Talking about the severe storm. And outside the sitting room's window I could hear the loudness of the pouring rain hitting against the window.

I got up seeing out the window, staring at how Los Angeles was surrounded by a downpour of rain. And I just rolled my eyes. And when I did, I just decided to return to the kitchen to retrieve my phone off of the countertop. And then I returned back to the sitting room, finding something to watch. And all that was on was General Hospital. And it is the only thing I can find that's interesting. The woman on the TV was in a dramatic moment with her on and off again boyfriend who cheated on her. I took a drink from my glass only shaking my head at the show in disbelief.

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