7.1. Oh Boy, I'm in Trouble

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I was struck dumb.

As Garry and my professor went on with their brief family catch-up, I froze on my spot, struggling to process this unexpected encounter. The realization of Garry's resemblance to Mr. Andrew hit me like a bucket of cold water. Dark hair, strong jawlines, and those sharp eyes. How could I not see it earlier?

Garry introduced us briefly to Mr. Andrew and his probable girlfriend —or wife?— who waved at us from her seat. Blake Andrew shook our hands one by one, without giving any signs of recognizing me. Was it my makeup? Or was it because of the dim light? Before my brain could catch up with what was happening, Brad pulled me to the booth.

"Thought you complained about standing on your heels," he said.

"Yeah," I mumbled before plopping down on the last spot available next to him.

The booth wasn't that spacious. Two brown leather sofas faced each other with a narrow club table in the middle. It wasn't designed for seven people, but it would do for now. Garry took the side where Mr. Andrew and his date sat, while the rest of us cramped up on the other sofa; Lea practically had to sit on Josh's lap. I was just glad that I didn't have to sit right across from Mr. Andrew since I wasn't sure how to act in this situation.

We ordered our next-round drink once we all settled in. This was going to be my fifth cocktail, and I was coming closer to the point of getting drunk. A few drinks and a little dancing my ass. It had to be my last one or I would regret it in the morning. Meanwhile, Lea, who chose stronger liquors after our second drink, was already tipsy and unusually chatty.

Reading my mind, Brad whispered in my ear, "Don't worry, I'll make sure you two get home safe and sound tonight."

One thing I learned about Brad was he treated Lea like his own little sister. When Bailey's people hung out together during their off-hours, going all out and completely thrashed, Brad was always the reasonable one who made sure Lea was taken home safely. True to his word, he ordered soda drinks in the last two rounds tonight.

I shook my head while repressing my smile. "You're spoiling her."

"What can I say?" He shrugged. "She had me at hello."

I was about to respond when Garry shouted, "Daphne! How have you been?"

"It's been only a few years and look at you now! Where did you hide my favorite chubby boy?" she replied, her smile matching the huge grin on Garry's face. "I've been doing good, thank you. Nothing special, just work, work, and work."

As she said that, she brushed backward her blonde lock that fell on her face. It was when I noticed there was no wedding band on her left ring finger —and I secretly smiled at my discovery. Her pale complexion brought out her intense blue eyes, as well as the intense red lipstick on her plump lips, but it was slightly smeared off. Did they just kiss before we arrived here? My smile froze.

Daphne and Garry were instantly absorbed in their little reunion. Apparently, her family was related to Garry's in a way, which answered my curiosity about how they'd met. They had mutual friends and often hung out together with the group at some point in their life. I wondered if Mr. Andrew was also in the group.

As everyone was engaged in the talk, my mind drifted away. Well, it was not that far since the source of my wandering thoughts was sitting across the table. Granted, I felt Mr. Andrew's gaze on me a couple of times, but I was too chicken to look him back in the eye. What would I say if our eyes met?

A few scenarios played in my head.

"Good evening, Mr. Andrew! Do you still remember me? I am Jennifer Adrian, your student in the psycho-diagnostic lab. It's good to see you in this wonderful nightclub, sir." Uh. No.

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