The Final Battle

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Adopted!Gilgamesh Reader x Yang Xiao Long

Part 39

No One's POV

Soon after,Ozpin,Glynda,(Y/N),Team RWBY,Team JNPR,Team SSAG,Cu,Adam,Sun,Illia,Scathach,Qrow,Shirou,Diarmuid,Robin,Waver,Taiga and Kiritsugu arrive at the Land of Darkness.

Ruby:"So this is it.The Land of Darkness."

Qrow:"Look out for Grimm.After all,this is where Salem lives."

Everyone nods as (Y/N) shifts to his armor.

They walked through the Land of Darkness.There,they saw scattered human bones,and decaying bodies.


Nora:"It smells kinda gross here."

Gray:"And it's gloomy too."

Waver:"So,what's the plan again,Ozpin?"

Ozpin:"We ambush Salem in that building over there.Then we take out her men and that's where we fight Salem."

Qrow:"Yeah.That sounds like a good plan."

Kiritsugu:"I don't see any Grimm around here.I don't like it."

Qrow:"What do you mean from that?"

Kiritsugu:"Nothing.It's just that I have a bad feeling about this that's all."

Glynda:"Kiritsugu's right.Something's not right here."

Jaune:"Hey guys?"

They all turned around.

Jaune:"Is it just me,or is something watching us?"

Then,they hear screaming from above and they see Hazel about land on the ground.

They jump off as Hazel smashes the ground.


Then,Jaune and Pyrrha's legs are wrapped in chains and they were pulled back by Medusa.

Then,Assassin teleports behind Cu and kicks him off.


Adam the unsheathes his weapon and strikes at Assassin but he dodges his attacks.

Blake then assists Adam by shooting at Assassin with her gun but Assassin easily deflects them with his knife.

Then,Carmilla drops in and attacks one of the members of Team SSAG and Waver.


Add:"On it!"

Add then transforms into a scythe and joins her teammates and Waver in fighting Carmilla.

Then,Arthuria charges at Weiss but Diarmuid intervenes and blocks her attack with his swords.The 3 then start to fight.

Then,Bedivere,Mordred,Gawain,and Tristan arrive and fights the others.

Hazel then approaches Ozpin.

Hazel:"You will pay for what you did to my sister!"

Then,Glynda then uses her Semblance to move huge pieces of boulders at Hazel which sends him back.


Shirou then summons Kanshou and Bakuya.

Shirou:"We'll handle the rest!Get to Salem now!"

The Golden King (Adopted!Gilgamesh Male Reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now