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Adopted!Gilgamesh Reader x Yang Xiao Long

Part 10


The next day,we watched Pyrrha sparring with Team CRDL and she eventually won.

Mom:"And that's the match."

Cardin:"Lucky shot.*collapses*"

Mom:"Well done, Miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament."

Pyrrha:"Thank you, professor."

Glynda:"Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match. Any volunteers? Ms. Belladonna?"

Blake slams her book and stares wide-eyed at Mom.

Mom:"You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you -"

???:"I'll do it."

I turn to see a silver haired boy raising his hand.

Mom:"Mercury, is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent."

Mercury:"Actually, I wanna fight... her.*points at Pyrrha*"


Mom:"I'm afraid Miss Nikos has just finished the match. I recommend you choose another partner."

Pyrrha:"No, it's fine! I'd be happy to oblige."

Soon,their match begins.Mercury makes the first attack and is knocked down. Recovering quickly, he deflects an attack and begins trading blows with Pyrrha until she knocks him back with her shield.

Mercury unleashes a series of powerful strikes. Pyrrha allows his kick to slam against her forearm before Mercury manages to disarm her, a kick impaling her blade into the ground. Pyrrha uses her Semblance to redirect the direction of Mercury's next kick. As she charges him with her shield, he shoots off of it and turns his back to her. Pyrrha tries to rush him again.

Mercury:"I forfeit."

Pyrrha:"You... don't even want to try?"

Mercury:"What's the point? You're a world-renowned fighter. We're obviously leagues apart."

Mom:"In that case... Pyrrha Nikos is the victor of the match... again. Next time, you may want to think a little harder before choosing an opponent."

Mercury:"I'll be sure to do that."

Mom:"That is all for today. And remember, the dance is this weekend. But you all have your first mission on Monday. I will not accept any excuses."

Later we left and Sun walks up to Blake.

Sun:"Hey,Blake! You uh, doing okay?"

Blake:"I'm fine."

Sun:" So I hear there's this dance going on this weekend... ah, sounds pretty lame, but you and me, I'm thinking, not as lame, huh?"


Sun:"The dance! This weekend! You wanna go, or what?"

Blake:"I don't have time for a stupid dance. I thought you of all people would get that."

Then,Blake walks away from us.

Sun then walks to me.

Sun:"Is,uh,Blake ok?"

The Golden King (Adopted!Gilgamesh Male Reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now