The Fall Of Beacon (Part 2)

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Adopted!Gilgamesh Reader x Yang Xiao Long

Part 17

No One's POV

Meanwhile,Cinder,Emerald and Mercury are standing on the rooftop and Mercury is filming the chaos with his Scroll.


Emerald:"It's almost sad."

Cinder: It's horrendous. Focus on the Atlesian Knights.

Mercury:"Oh, I'm getting all of it."

Cinder:"Good. Continue the broadcast until the end. And do not miss what happens next."

???:"Oh,you'll be missing it."

Then,a white haired man drops down behind them.

Then,a white haired man drops down behind them

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Cinder smirked.

Cinder:"Why,hello Shirou Emiya.Tell me,did Ozpin send you to fight me?"

Emiya then summons Kanshou and Bakuya.

Emiya:"You'll never get near my Master and the new Fall Maiden!"

Cinder:"*chuckles*Mercury.Emerald.Finish the Faker.I'll go deal with his Master."

Cinder walks away leaving Mercury and Emerald to fight Emiya.

Emiya:"Well then...I suppose I won't mind playing with you two....Trace on!"

Back to Beacon,Cu and Adam then stared down at each other,silently.

Blake:"*through the scroll*Cu!What's going on?Why are you silent?"

Cu:"Blake..listen to me.Don't find me.Just get to the ship with your team.Got that?"


Cu shuts his scroll and he turns to Robin.

Cu:"Robin,go find more survivors.Get them to the ship and don't go back to find me."


Cu:"Go!There's not much time."

Robin nods and he runs off,leaving Cu and Adam.

Adam:"So many years have passed since you have left me.."

Adam slowly unsheathes his sword.

Adam:" was Blake's turn to leave.Then I come here and realize you two were like this?Huntsman and Huntress?Or perhaps cowards?Or maybe....lovers?"

Cu growled and pointed Gae Bolg at him.

Cu:"You lay a hand on her,I'll kill you."

Adam:"Really?Let's see how much you've"

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