4- Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

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Pairing: Amy Pond and Rory Williams

Fandom : Doctor Who

Prompt : One member of your OTP knits the other a really ugly Christmas sweater 

Words: 503


Through the years

We all will be together

If the fate


"Amy, what have you been up to, are you trying to find the Doctor again I-" Rory Williams sighed as he entered his bedroom, where his wife Amy Pond was holed up in most of the time. She'd always been looking through newspapers from the 60s, trying to find any clues for where the Doctor might be, even though they both new she couldn't see him again, ever. She'd made that decision when she said goodbye to her raggedy man . 

However, that was not what Amy was up to lately. She'd recently met some ladies in New York who enjoyed knitting, and she'd picked up a new hobby. "Ta-da!" Amy beamed proudly, holding up the jumper that she'd just knit. It was oversized, an ugly shade of green, with a huge deformed Santa Clause on the front. 

"What is it?" Rory asked, picking up the piece of clothing. He was unsure whether it was meant to be a blanket or a jumper. 

"A jumper I knit for you , stupid face," Amy rolled her eyes. "Try it on!" 

Rory hesitated and weighed his options, then gave in. He put on the ugly jumper and looked in the mirror and grimaced. It looked ridiculous. "Wow... I love it, Amy," he lied. 

"Great! Then you can wear it when we host the Christmas dinner!" Amy smiled. She pulled out a similar jumper, but with a snowman, and equally ugly, and said," We can wear matching jumpers." 

Rory groaned on the inside, " Great." He couldn't wait to embarrass himself even more in front of his new friends. He and Amy were already struggling to fit in with the 1960s American way of life. They were going to screw everything up.

The night of the Christmas dinner, Amy and Rory wore their matching ugly jumpers. Rory wore a coat over it for most of the night, but eventually it got too warm for him to continue wearing the coat and he was forced to take it off and show off his ugly jumper. "Aren't these jumpers adorable, Harold? I'm going to knit us some too," their new neighbour Heather said to her husband. Harold had a pained expression on his face, but Amy was ecstatic. Rory was slightlier happier to know that he wouldn't be the only bloke on the block with an ugly jumper. 

"Alright everybody, shall we eat?" Amy asked. Everybody sat down in their seats. There appeared to be an extra setting beside Amy at the end of the table. 

"Are we waiting for another guest to arrive?" Heather asked, noticing the extra setting. 

Amy bit her lip and smiled sadly. "Maybe." was all she said. Rory slipped his hand under the table and squeezed her hand. The Ponds always set an extra setting at dinner, because maybe just maybe, the Doctor would come by. 



I don't even know if they had ugly sweaters in the 1960s but here you go :) 

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