Chapter 5

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The sun shone onto him, making him look like he was in the new issue of Playgirl. The sunlight danced its way through his dark brown hair.

"Hi" I smiled. He sat down next to me making a grunt on his way down.

"You must be new, I'm Nate". I couldn't stop gawking at him. He honestly looked like The Discobolus Palombara statue.

"I'm Alexis" I smiled again at him "Is it that obvious, that I'm new here?"

"No, probably not to anyone else, but you see, I was new here not to long ago, so I know how to spot a newbie". He chuckled.

"So, what were you doing at the hospital?" He continued

"Applying for a job there, what were you doing there?"

"I work there, as a doc. I'll follow up on your application, make sure you get the job. What was the job you were applying for?"

"A nursing position" I smiled at him.

"What ward specifically, or do you not mind?"

"I don't really mind what ward. I've worked in emergency and elderly before" I replied

"Ah I'm sure the elderly loved that". He laughed. I turned my body to him.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Did he mean that I cannot take care of seniors! I sure can, what a douche. My liking for him just fell dramatically.

"I mean that, the elderly men and or women would of loved a pretty young lass like yourself"

Oh. Awkward, I thought the complete opposite. My liking for him rose back to it normal place. Wait. He just called me 'pretty'. My heart fluttered a little.

"Thank you, I think"

"You think?" Nate questioned

"The compliment was just in a weird context, that's all". He chuckled

"What do ya' say we go get a drink?" Nate asked

I bit the inside of my mouth. Is he asking me out as a friend or...a potential love interest? No. Don't get ahead of yourself. It's just a person asking out a friend or soon to be if I get a nursing position, a colleague asking to hang out with another colleague.

"Yeah, alright" I smiled which he returned. We both rose from the sand dune we were sitting on and I followed him to wherever you get a drink here, since I didn't know.

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