Chapter 6

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We sat down across from each other in a booth at the diner. Yes, the diner. Not a bar or something.

"I thought we were going to get a drink?"

"We are", he motioned for a waitress to come and take our order.

A teenage girl with her red locks tied back into a ponytail came walking over.

"Hi, my name is Jessica and I'll be your waitress today. What would you like to order today?"

"I'll have a green iced tea and a-" he looked at me waiting for me to say what I wanted.

When he said a drink I assumed an alcoholic beverage not ice tea. Well, fine then, I'll just have to have a tea then.

"Green tea thank you" I smiled at the young girl but for her to be able to see my smile she would have to be looking at me, which she wasn't. She only had eyes for Nate which he seemed to notice and was looking at her too.

She scribbled the orders down on her notepad and smiled at Nate then went back to the kitchen to make the teas. I have to admit the word bitch did cross my mind.

"So Alexis, tell me about yourself"

"Could you be more specific"

First you're nice then when we are out together and you're about to flirt with the waitress. Alexis. He never asked you out on a date. He asked you to get a drink with him. Get over yourself Lexi.

"Where are you from?" he placed his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his knuckles.

"I'm from Perth, yourself?"

"Isn't it obvious?" he chuckled

"I sorta guessed you were from England but I was wondering what part"


At that moment a familiar man with tattoos and brown hair walked into the diner.

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