Chapter 7

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I quickly looked away from Heath before he noticed I was here. But at the same time, I wanted him to notice I was here.

Shut it, you have no idea what your talking about! By subconscious told me. Ugh, she was right.

"Alexis?" Nate said

"Sorry, what were you saying?" turning my attention back to him.

"I was asking about your family"

"My family..", my face remained the same but inside, I felt like I'd just been punched. My family. I don't even know what that word means anymore, and that made my heart hurt.

The fact that someone can lose their family over a teenage rebellious period means that there wasn't a close bond in the first place. A bond that couldn't even withheld a love affair with a stereotypical 'bad boy'.

The memory of him gave me a pinch of sadness. Not that I still loved or cared for him, it was the fact that he could fake his feelings towards me. That he could look me in the eye and tell me, my feelings were mutual, that he felt the same.

But I think what hurt most was that, I lost my family for nothing, and in all of this, I lost myself.

I never understood what it meant to lose yourself, until I did. Until I looked in the mirror and didn't recognise the girl staring back at me. Until I didn't have the same values and beliefs.

But at the time, I didn't care, because I had him. But I now know, I never had him. But he defiantly had me, wrapped around his little finger.

So how am I supposed to answer him? Lie? Because I can't really tell him everything when I've only just met him.

"Well, I come from a big family. I'm number six" that wasn't a lie, I just didn't mention that I am no longer in contact with them.

"Wow" he said, " I come from a family of two"

A familiar man had grabbed a seat from a neighbouring table and placed it at our booth. He sat on it with both legs around the back support.

"How's everyone doing?" Heath said showing his perfect teeth in a smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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