Chapter 1

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(Authors Note:  Bianca is not dating Heath, sorry.)

The bus drove past the welcome to Summer Bay sign as I let out a deep breath. Finally I can get off this bus! My butt is numb and I have had a 75 year old pedophile guy looking at me with a seedy grin the whole bus ride. I stood up and and grabbed my luggage from the overhead compartment and thanked the bus driver as I left the bus.

Right, first things first. I need to find my cousins; Bianca and April. I pulled out a scunched up piece of paper from my shorts that had the address on it. I made my way to the address and knocked on the door.

"Lexi!" Bianca squealed as she embraced me in a organ crushing hug

"Aw Bianca! It's so good to see you!" She ushered me inside and took my bag.

"Follow me, I'll show you your room". I followed her down the hall of her house that she shares with Liam, her husband.

"I'll leave you to unpack and then we can go to the diner and meet April and catch up, okay?"

"Yeah, that'd me cool" I said while nodding. She shut the door and I was soon left with just the sound of her heels clicking down the hall. I dumped my bag on the bed and took in my surroundings.

There was a double bed in the middle of the room pushed up against the wall with white bedside table next to both edges of the bed. A couple meters from the left side of the bed was a a desk filled with a bunch of books that I will have to have a look at later. On the right side of the desk was a wall with a pin up board on it as the left side had a passage. At the end of the passage was the door and at the halfway point of the passage was another door which I was assuming was the closet. There was a beautiful, white french window opposite the head of the bed.

I started unpacking which didn't take long. I walked out of Bianca's spare room, well actually, my room now I guess. I walked out of my room and into the kitched/lounge room and Bianca was no where to be found. I wondered over to the counter and saw a note:


Emergency at the school. Tell you about it later. I'll meet you and April at the diner at 4pm.

Love you, Bianca xx

I decided to go look around before I went to the diner. I started walking down the street and soon found the Summer Bay High School. I checked my phone and I still had 30 minutes to burn before meeting Bianca and April. I walked around for another 20 minutes then heading to the diner which wasn't that hard to find since Summer Bay wasn't that big.

I sat at a table and got my phone out and started playing temple run.

"Hi love, can I get you anything?" Said a perky blonde woman

"Uh, not yet. I'm waiting for some people" I smiled

"Okay and if you don't mind me asking who are you meeting?"

"Bianca and April, my cousins"

"Oh yes! Bianca told me about you!" She smiled. She was obviously a very positive person. I nodded. She nodded back and walked away to serve a customer. I felt two arms wrap around me which made me flinch but I soon noticed it was April.

"April! I've missed you so much!"

"You too Lexi! So tell me what's be happening?" April said while sitting next to me.

"Well, I've done two years of my nursing degree. Not to toot my own horn but I did finished top of my class. April chuckled

"Still corny and smart I see" Then Bianca walked in and sat across from me

"Hello girls" She said letting out a big breath.

"Hard day?" April asked

"You have no idea. Mangrove River is merging with Summer Bay". Then the blonde girl that looked in her mid 40's came waddling over as her dress looked tight around her knees.

"What could I get you girls?"

"Two cofffee's and..?" Bianca looked at me signalling for me to say what I wanted

"A water, please"

"Okay, and I'm Marilyn by the way"


"Nice to meet you. I'll be right back with your drinks" She went back to the counter and started pushing buttons on the coffee machine.

"Oh my God" Bianca said lowering her head and looking at the table. April looked and mimicked Bianca. I looked and saw a group of boys heading towards the counter. A guy with short hair that stuck up and a tattoo that intertwined within each other on his arm. He saw me looking and gave me a wink. I looked back to Bianca and April and noticed them staring at me with serious looking expression on their faces.

"No." they said in unison.

 First chapter of done! Tell me if you liked it or not and how I could improve it. It'd be much appreciated!

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