Chapter 3

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I pushed myself out of his arm and wiped the tears off my face

"W-what are y-you doing?" I stuttered

"Can't I come to the beach?" He smiled. I appreciated the fact that he was trying to make me feel better.

"Oh yeah. Sorry"

"It's okay. Are you going to tell me who made you cry? I can make them cry". I laughed

"No. That's okay" I said forcing a smile.

"There you go! You look much prettier with a smile on your face"

"Thank you. For making me feel better"

"But seriously why are you crying?" He said draping his arm around my shoulder

"I'm not the person who spills their life story to a stranger" I put his arm back to his side

"Well I wouldn't be a stranger if you'd let me show you around this afternoon". I let out a little laugh again

"Will you consider my offer of taking you out to dinner?"

"It wasn't really an offer. It was more like a statement but yes I will". He smiled to himself and looked out onto the water. The moons shine shone down onto the water which was crashing onto the shore.

"I better get going but thank you for cheering me up" I got up and he soon followed

"No problem" He smiled at me and I returned the warm smile. I began walking up the sand dune with Heath following.

"Are you following me?"

"Can't let a pretty girl like yourself to walk home in the dark"

"I'm sure I'll be fine. I obviously can defend myself and you know that from experience" I chuckled remembering me hitting him in his private region. He laughed

"Oh your so funny..not"

"Well you laughed so obviously I am"

"It was sarcasm"

"I know. Well anyway I better get home, bye" He waved at me as we both began our walk home. I began kicking a stone along the path until kicking it into the bush. For Bianca and April to dislike Heath with a passion he must of something that was unforgivable. But what?

I arrived at "my house" to soon. What am I going to do? Well, actually I'm not really at fault. Bianca is the one who screamed at me and wouldn't let me talk and explain myself. Why should I even explain myself? Wow I talked to someone they don't like, it's not a crime. Well it may be in the friendship code. She also brang up my past which I have moved on from and everyone else should to but no Alexis did this Alexis did that. I can't do anything without them judging me. Yes, I made mistakes but so does everyone. I think it's okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them.

I opened the door which squeaked. Bianca didn't even turn to look at who just came through the door. She was leaning on the counter top with some sort of red wine in a glass. She was sipping at it slowly totally ignoring me. Just talk to her and get this resolved.

"Bianca?" She looked at me waiting to continue

"I want to talk to you about what happened earlier. You misunderstood wh-"

"I don't want to talk about Lexi" She turned drained her glass of wine and turned and put the glass in the sink.

"But wouldn't it be better if we resolv-"

"Lexi no! I don't want to talk about it" and with that she walked to her room. I walked to mine getting my things so I could go in the shower. Once I was dressed in my pj's I grabbed one of the books of the desk and began reading it but didn't get far into the book because I passed emotionally drained.

(Next day)

The sun shone through my curtains and made me stir. I opened my eyes and was instantly blinded by the sun. I got up and but on my favourite maxi dress which was dark blue. I paired it with a long necklace locket. I slipped on some black thongs and went out to the kitchen to find that nobody was around. I sighed and made some toast and began to eat it. Once I was done I put the scraps in the bin and my plate in the sink. I decided to go apply for a job at the hospital.

I got there and was greeted by an old lady with grey curls

"How may I help you?"

"I was wondering if there were any nurse positions available"

"Yes there is. Never enough nurses around here. Fill this application out and we'll get back to you" She handed a bunch of papers over the desk with a pen.

"Thank you" I took them to one of the seats and began filling it out. I was half a page into the application form when I was interrupted.

"Hello beautiful girl" Heath said with a manly stubble on his face and that is when April decided to show up and let me say she is not happy.

Sorry for not updating! I honestly didn't think anyone was reading this so I didn't bother to check. But I'll try to update which will probably be pretty often since I'm on holidays now.

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