Chapter 4

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April stomped over to where Heath and I were standing. Her body language screamed, 'I will stab you in the eye with a fork'. If body language can portray that.

As she got closer I noticed her eyebrows were furrowed together creating a cream between them.

Should I smile at her? As if I'm not pissed at her? But that would make me two faced. Ugh. I should just leave before she can communicate with me. I may be able to get to the exit doors in just enough time if I sprint, but I'm not a very fast runner so that probably wouldn't work out very well. Damn my athletically challenged body!

"I need to talk to you, now" April said coldly.

I looked at Heath, he was pretending to be occupied by a lose thread dangling off the rim of his dark blue tank top. I returned my gaze to April.

"What about?" I asked curiously even though I already new why. I just had to stall her until I could think of an escape route. I could faint but I would remain in the hospital, where April's wrath could still attack me. I could pretend that a bee or some sort of flying insect had gotten itself into my hair. That's the only plan I have that would land myself outside, away from April so I guess that was my only option.

"Well, I better leave you two to talk so...bye, I guess" Heath said already taking a few steps away from April and I. He smiled at me, then turned and went down the foyer to the elevators.

He has nice teeth. The way they grazed his bottom lip when he smiled.

"Why.Are.You.Talking.To.Him?" April said separating each word, over dramatically if you ask me.

"I didn't realise it was a crime to talk to a member of the male race" I replied

Her eyes sent daggers through my body.

"He..I just don't get..why you would even talk to him..after everything".

April's eyes found the floor, and remained there for a little bit. She's upset, at Heath. He seemed cocky but that, I guess was just apart of his personality. I'm sure somewhere inside him he was a nice guy. But obviously April or Bianca for that matter had not met that part of him.

"April? Are you alright?"

Gosh. I sucked at comforting people. Should I rub or pat her back? Make comforting sounds?

"Yeah, to get back to work. I'll talk to you later". April scurried off into a white plain door next to the reception desk.

Really? You demand to talk to me then just leave after two words have been said? ugh. I'm a woman and sometimes I don't even understand women.

I left the hospital after I had filled out the application paper work. As I was leaving a man with brown hair and eyes made up of green and blue came into sight. His chiseled features made me look or more like stare at him. A grey button up dress shirt rested itself against his well built torso. As he got closer I had to look away before he noticed me staring at his handsome face..and body.


My feet lead me to the beach since it was really the only place I knew around here, besides the cafe. My feet sunk into the already familiar sand. I curled my feet to get a better feel or the warm and silky sand. I swept the beach to find there was only two other people here. huh?

I looked behind me, on the raised ground stood a gym and the cafe. there was more behind those plots but my vision didn't allow me to clearly see what. It looked like more buildings.

What to do today. What could fill my day to not make it so boring. Honestly, I only really knew two people; April and Bianca, and we weren't on the best terms right now. I guess I sorta knew Heath but not a lot. 'You would if you let him show you around the other day', said an annoying voice in the back of my head. I call him Jeffery, don't ask me why it's just the way it is.

I sat down on the sand. The waves crashing onto the sand filled my ears. It allowed me to zone out and just listen to the water. It was nice. Not thinking about things, about April and Bianca or my family totally betraying me.

"Hello" a male voice said. I looked up, squinting my eyes against the blazing sun. Oh my. It was him.

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