Germany's Scenarios

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Yee yee new character!

I'm sorry I promised I would do the lemon lol. But before the lemon I need to add Doitsu and Canadia

He meets you.

You were at the park with your boyfriend until he shamed you for being more muscular than him.

So he broke up with you right there and then.

A handsome stranger sat near you he had a German accent, slicked back blond hair and piercing blue eyes

He was way more muscular than you lol.

He offered you to train with him next morning so you accepted.

2nd Meet

The next morning you showed up he had a huge blush over your face cause you were wearing truly these tight yoga pants and a black shirt tied at the chest.

You were running in front of him

And let's just say he had something to motivate him your ass

This continued on for like 3 months


In those 3 months you fell hard for him.

But he always looked like he had eyes only for his friend Feliciano

So you decided to tell him your feelings

"Ludwig, I love you but it seems you're interested in Feliciano, I can help if you want? "

"U-uh no I'm not interested in men. He has a girlfriend too. But do you mean what you said? "

"Of course Ludwig I will help you out with any crush of yours"

"NO that part know"

"Oh.yes. I do love you and I can't deny it"

"Then can you help me out with this crush? Her name is y/n l/n and she goes training with me. "

"Yes I can" You said as you pecked him on the lips.


His nicknames for you



Your nicknames


Ludwig van Beethoven

You wear his clothes

You were digging through Germany's closet for no reason.

You found his military pants so you put them on and tightened the belt.

You started to do cartwheels until you kicked him in the fucking face.

He got a look of you and trying to be the controlled man he was....

He took off to the restroom with the picture of you like that in his mind.

And lets just say when you were cleaning the restroom later you found white stuff that wasn't soap

And you didn't know what it was.

But Germany knew what it was.

Your Ex

The boyfriend who broke up with you tried to come back to you numerous times

He approached you and Ludwig at the Park.

"Hey y/n! Wow you look great.

I'm sorry please take me back. I was wrong.

I realized that I love only you and that you and I were ment to be"

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