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America knew how to take care of a girl on her cycle.

That's when you had mood swings and were complaining about headaches and that your abdomen was hurting.

He got out teen drama movies and tons of chocolates and period supplies.

And he cuddled with you as you cried from the pain.

You were lucky.

He was basically the best boyfriend ever to have especially on periods.

N. Italy

You were on shark week and when Feli walked into the bathroom he screamed freaking out.


"I'm on my period. "

Feliciano went pale.

He remembered Mr. Austria telling him when he was a kid that Hungary was on her period and to give her chocolate and hug her and give her "supplies".

Feli immediately came back handing you chocolate and supplies while cuddling you.

S. Italy

Romano knew what a period was.

And during your time. You would yell at him causing him to yell back not getting the hint it was your time of the month.

After a few shouts you broke down crying

" Do you hate me?! "You yelled at him with tears.

He bent down and hugged you.

" Of course not ragazza, I'm sorry Bella it's just that your yelling for no reason "

"Oh I'm on my period. "

He looked you in the eye.

"Bella why didn't you tell me I would've bought you everything you need?! "

He got you all your stuff then he kissed you.

Lovi~   you said.

He loved the sound of his name coming off your tongue.

And to be honest he hated when people called him that. But when you said it,

It turned him on.


Arg! "You use magic right? Why can't you find a spell to make it stop?! "

"Sorry love all I can do was take away the headaches and abdominal pain. I can't stop cravings or blood and
mood swings. "

You were crying.

Don't cry love it will be over in a couple of days, I can go get you chocolate if you like.



He was terrified of you on your period.

The baltics would make you homemade chocolate.

Russia would do the embarrassment if buying supplies.

He carefully set down chocolate and supplies.

You hissed and growled retrieving the items and crawling back to the blanket fort


China fed you chocolate as he massaged you.

But people outside of your house heard differently.

Yao, yao~ right there!

I'm trying! Am I going too hard?

Yep his massages worked.

Until you both turned red thinking about what came out of your mouths


He came back with chocolate, and supplies.

Dark chocolate?? I wanted
milk chocolate! You told him.

"Non on your cycle dark chocolate is best for you."

"But after your cycle you can eat whatever you want. " He reassured you.

"Francis, I'll get fat. "

"And I'll still love you~"

You pecked him on the nose.


Y/n, to be honest I want to get a death note and write "y/n's period" Kiku told you.

Same keeks.

On your period you got into conspiracy stuff.

One time he found you with a tinfoil hat talking about aliens.

"Y/n do you wanna go get something to eat?" He asked.




Denmark was hurt.

You turned back into a tsundere

You were yelling at him about how annoying he was and told him to die.

Prussia and America housed him until your cycle was over.

When you were done you wondered were Denmark was.

Prussia dropped him back off.

He changed

He was quiet and very emotionless.

You jumped on him and attacked him with kisses.

"Do you still hate me? " He asked making you cry.

No. I don't know what took over me I love you.

He returned back to normal and started to plant kisses all over you.


Gilbert went into action preparing to say absolutely nothing to you but compliments. For example if you shouted: "SHUT UP" He would shout : "you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Your so pretty I don't think I deserve you"

He built an underground bunker so he could hide if you were in a bad mood.

If you were getting a bit upset he would throw chocolate and period supplies at you.

If you refused to take medicine he would mix it in with melted chocolate


You woke up to have blood going down your thighs. "FUCK LIFE" you screamed, which woke your boyfriend up. He went into your room too see you covered in blood. "Maple.. Are you... Umm.. Uhh" He started to stutter and blush. He was so cute, you would never get mad at him on your period. "Here maple, I made you chocolate pancakes with a side of strawberries. He kissed your neck and led you to the bed so you could have a small nap when you finished the pancakes.

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