Chapter 12

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Shuichi's POV

Soon we arrived at school and before Kokichi went to his classes I kissed him on the forehead. "I'll see you later ^^Mwah^^" I said as I kissed him on the forehead again.

Kokichi was red then nodded and Rantaro and Kiibo patted him and started hyping Kokichi up.

I waited in my classes waiting for P.E. Time to finally see Kokichi again. But when it was time for our class together... He wasn't there..

Kiibo and Rantaro were running around the class when they finally arrived in the gym. "Kokichi where are you!!?" They both shouted. They seemed very worried. I ran up to them.

"Wait why are you guys calling Kokichi I would at least think he would be with you two." I said questioning them.

"We tried looking for him all over campus but we still can't find him!" Kiibo said looking like he was going to cry.

"WHAT HE'S GONE?!!!" I yelled and ran out of the gym to look for him.

"What did you do to our leader..!!!" Before my eyes all of the ten members of dice were standing right in front of me. But they were wearing normal clothes.

"I did nothing to him! I'm trying to look for him!" I yelled back as tears came out of my eyes. 

Miu suddenly came running. " Have you virgins found Kokichi yet! We have to find him! I know our friendship is mutual but that little shit doesn't deserve to die!" She said.

I looked at the corner of my eye to see a note by my locker. I opened it then read it to everyone.

Dear Danganronpa participants, I have finally found one of you and to my luck my favorite character! If you want them back you'll have to give me something that's yours that relates to your ultimate. I also want Kaede and Shuichi to be there to kiss because I've always shipped them! Anyways I hope you'll make the right choice and don't worry your friend is safe..

Shuichi's POV

I dropped the note and punched the wall. "Kokichi is our friend you guys have to contact the others to save him!" Kiyo demanded also crying.

"I'll call them right away." Miu said determined.

Miu has called everyone and told them to meet us at the Main park.

I saw everyone and my memories felt like they were being messed with.. "Alright do you all have your things?" Tsumugi asked cautiously.

Everyone held up their items.

Miu: one of her inventions

Kiibo: a metal plate

Kaito: His spare jacket

Shuichi: His old hat

Kaede: Her backpack

Rantaro: His chair

Maki: A knife

Himiko: her old hat

Tenko: Her aikido ribbon

Korkeiyo: His mask

Angie: Her best paint brush

Ryoma: tennis racket

Tsumugi: her spare sewing kit

Gonta: Bug kit

Kirumi: Her maid apron

Shuichi's POV

We finally got all of our things and Dice has even included one of their best masks. We ran to where the person told us to meet which was the old grocery store that was abandoned.

We got there and.. We saw him it was a boy with brown hair and blue eyes. "Alright where are your things?" he said. Kokichi then walked out of a room and the boy pointed a gun at Kokichi.

We handed him all of the things.. Then he told me and Kaede to kiss... Kokichi looked away quiet as ever. We did as he said and Rantaro looked away as well..

"Actually just for the hell of it.." he said then he pulled the trigger at Kokichi's stomach.

Dice had appeared out of no where and attacked the boy and Kimiko shot him in the head.

Kokichi screamed out of pain and everyone immediately ran to him.

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