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© 2014 Luna Black


They all stood watching her silently. The grand throne room was so quiet; one could hear the slight noise of waves crashing above. Amphitrite bit her bottom lip, shaking her head condescendingly whenever her eyes fell upon Galena, the sea nymph that rescued Ariel.

Although, the way she saved her wasn’t exactly safe; she managed to get her away from Demos.

Galena bit her bottom lip tightly, squeezing her fingers nervously and whispered for the umpteenth time, “I’m sorry! I didn’t know she was King Hades’ consort. She just called father…” she trailed off when Amphitrite gave her a stern look.

Apollo sighed, kneeling over Ariel and said, “Her lungs are completely filled with water. There’s no way she survived that. They’re filled with water and crushed; she’s dead.” He pushed a strand of wet hair off her face and shook his head. “I can fix her damaged limbs and bones, but the water will still be there.”

Galena’s green eyes brightened and she looked at the goddess of the sea as if she were ready to burst. Amphitrite sighed, motioning for her to speak. “What is it, Galena?”

“We can pull it out of her.”

Hera grimaced staring at Ariel’s pale body and said, “That sounds oh-so pleasant.”

She held the urge to roll her eyes and turned to Amphitrite, “I can do it! I watched Leucothea do it to a sailor once.”

“That’s Leucothea’s job,” Hera rolled her eyes, “she’s the goddess that helps sailors. That’s what she’s good at. Have you ever dealt with magic like that?”

“No,” Galena mumbled, feeling her slightly blue cheeks turn a dark shade of pink, “but I’m sure I can do it if you let me try!”

Hera shook her head. “I’m not putting Ariel’s life at risk.”

“She’s already dead,” she muttered, quickly biting her lips nervously when Hera gave her a sharp look. 

Apollo shook his head as he picked up Ariel’s immobile hand and said, “Her soul is still attached to her body. Until Thanatos or Hermes come to pick her up, we have a chance.”

“So,” Hera snapped, “you’re agreeing with Galena?”

“No,” Apollo snapped in return, “I’m saying that we can try what the nymph has suggested. Calm down, Hera, the girl hasn’t done anything to you.”

The queen of the gods gritted her teeth and pointed to the nymph accusingly, “Because of her we might have a war in our hands!”

Amphitrite frowned, stepping forward. “A war? With who?”

“Hades,” Hera rolled her eyes, “do you really think that he’s going to be calm after this? One of your people killed his Queen and do I need to remind you of what happened to those idiots that tried to take Persephone?”

“Yes,” Galena blurted out, making Hera’s grey eyes burn in lividness. “Sorry! I just,” she shook her head, covering her mouth and whispered, “I’ll shut my trap now.”

“Remember when Theseus and Pirithous tried to take Persephone? Hades gave them the option of living in the Underworld the rest of their lives or being eaten by dogs. They chose to live in the Underworld and he fed them to the dogs for the rest of their life in his kingdom.”

“So?” Apollo shrugged, “What are you saying?”

“Hades actually loves Ariel. The Moirai confirmed to me that they are soul mates. Put two and two together, Apollo, I know you’re not an idiot.” She narrowed her eyes and hissed, “If he did that to Theseus and Pirithous because they tried to take Persephone, do you know what he’ll do to Poseidon?”

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