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She wasn't sad anymore, she was numb, and numb, she knew, was somehow worse...


"Kylo Ren took the girl straight to a cell, he hasn't left her since..."

"What do you suppose he's doing to her?"

"Well, if I had a guess... I'd say he was-"

"Oi, you two!" Serena yelled across the hall at two lone Storm Troopers. They weren't patrolling or guarding anything, they were just standing off to the side in the entrance of a barren room. She strode over to them slowly to give them time to worry. They straightened up under her gaze, and lifted their guns to appear as if they were standing guard. She stopped in front of them and turned sharply as she looked between the two of them. Her head ticked to the side as she eyed their badge numbers for future reference. "What were you two talking about?" She asked casually as she lifted her chin to look up at their helmets. 

"Nothing, Serena, we weren't talking about anything." The right Trooper was almost convincing, if she hadn't already overheard them. 

She let out a long breath as she reached up and slowly pulled her mask off her head. As she lowered it to tuck under her arm, she watched the way they squirmed. Sure, her mask was frightening, but there was something about her bright, fiery eyes that installed a true terror. 

"I really don't like to be thought of as a fool.. or as stupid-" Both guards jumped as she spat the ugly word. "Now... I heard you two saying some..." She lifted her gaze to the ceiling as she thought of a nice way to phrase their subordination. "Less-than kind words about Kylo Ren." She nodded as she shifted her gaze between them. "The things you were insinuating-" She clicked her tongue to the roof of her mouth. "Kylo Ren would not be happy with them."

"We're sorry, Serena, we didn't mean any disrespect-"

"Didn't you?" Her forehead creased as she pushed her eyebrows together. Her eyes flickered between the black bulging lens that hid the Trooper's eyes. "Because I know that all Storm Troopers are conditioned to be obedient, to never speak out of turn or-or to talk ill of their superiors... So for you to openly say something so vile about Kylo Ren..." Her head ticked to the side in anger. "There are two ways we can go from here... I can kill you here for subordination- Kylo Ren would praise my name when I told him what you two said... or..." She paused as she watched them both take a step away from her. "You can leave here alive and I won't report you... on one condition."


Serena's lips quirked up to one side. "There will be a time when I need you to do something for me. When that time comes, I expect you both to comply willingly without question. Am I clear, FN-3144 and TD-2318?" She looked between them evenly. 

There was a slight pause as the two Storm Troopers looked at one another. 

"If you can't commit, I can always just kill you now-"

"We'll do it."

Serena's smirk widened. "Good choice, boys..." She raised her brows before she turned to walk towards the personal quarters. "I'll be in touch."

Her mask hung loosely over her fingertips as she swayed her arms. She took her sweet time walking back. The first part of her escape plan worked out flawlessly, she knew she could count on a pair of Storm Troopers slacking off while on the clock. She spent years analyzing the First Order, she knew all of its flaws. The time had come for her to selfishly exploit those weaknesses. 

She formulated her next few steps in her head as she took the elevator to the personal quarters. She didn't know where they were, but she simply followed the instructions along the walls. It was odd for the First Order to give directions, but when they spread their base over an entire planet, maybe even the smartest got a little turned around every now and then. 

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